Created attachment 1850513 [details] alibaba web console - creating EIP and associate to NAT gateway Version: $ openshift-install version openshift-install 4.10.0-0.nightly-2022-01-13-000150 built from commit 28cfc831cee01eb503a2340b4d5365fd281bf867 release image release architecture amd64 Platform: alibabacloud Please specify: * IPI What happened? IPI installation in region 'me-east-1' failed on alicloud_pvtz_zone_attachment and AllocateEipAddress, even with valid instanceType and systemDiskCategory. What did you expect to happen? As both binding private zone to VPC and allocating EIP are fundermental things during IPI installation, please confirm if the region should be supported or not. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)? Always. Anything else we need to know? >(1) The customized install-config.yaml and the final error message. $ openshift-install version openshift-install 4.10.0-0.nightly-2022-01-13-000150 built from commit 28cfc831cee01eb503a2340b4d5365fd281bf867 release image release architecture amd64 $ yq e .platform Dubai/install-config.yaml alibabacloud: region: me-east-1 defaultMachinePlatform: instanceType: ecs.sn2ne.xlarge systemDiskCategory: cloud_ssd $ openshift-install create manifests --dir Dubai INFO Consuming Install Config from target directory INFO Manifests created in: Dubai/manifests and Dubai/openshift $ $ tree Dubai Dubai ├── manifests │ ├── cloud-provider-config.yaml │ ├── cluster-config.yaml │ ├── cluster-dns-02-config.yml │ ├── cluster-infrastructure-02-config.yml │ ├── cluster-ingress-02-config.yml │ ├── cluster-network-01-crd.yml │ ├── cluster-network-02-config.yml │ ├── cluster-proxy-01-config.yaml │ ├── cluster-scheduler-02-config.yml │ ├── cvo-overrides.yaml │ ├── kube-cloud-config.yaml │ ├── kube-system-configmap-root-ca.yaml │ ├── machine-config-server-tls-secret.yaml │ └── openshift-config-secret-pull-secret.yaml └── openshift ├── 99_kubeadmin-password-secret.yaml ├── 99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-0.yaml ├── 99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-1.yaml ├── 99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-2.yaml ├── 99_openshift-cluster-api_master-user-data-secret.yaml ├── 99_openshift-cluster-api_worker-machineset-0.yaml ├── 99_openshift-cluster-api_worker-user-data-secret.yaml ├── 99_openshift-machineconfig_99-master-ssh.yaml ├── 99_openshift-machineconfig_99-worker-ssh.yaml └── openshift-install-manifests.yaml 2 directories, 24 files $ $ grep zoneId Dubai -r Dubai/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_worker-machineset-0.yaml: zoneId: me-east-1a Dubai/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-2.yaml: zoneId: me-east-1a Dubai/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-0.yaml: zoneId: me-east-1a Dubai/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-1.yaml: zoneId: me-east-1a $ $ openshift-install create cluster --dir Dubai --log-level info INFO Consuming Common Manifests from target directory INFO Consuming OpenShift Install (Manifests) from target directory INFO Consuming Openshift Manifests from target directory INFO Consuming Worker Machines from target directory INFO Consuming Master Machines from target directory INFO Creating infrastructure resources... ERROR ERROR Error: [ERROR] terraform-provider-alicloud/alicloud/resource_alicloud_pvtz_zone_attachment.go:141: Resource alicloud_pvtz_zone_att achment BindZoneVpc Failed!!! [SDK alibaba-cloud-sdk-go ERROR]: ERROR SDKError: ERROR Code: ZoneVpc.Invalid.RegionId ERROR Message: code: 400, Zone-Vpc regionId is invalid. request id: 48C6D230-E0DE-5710-84C5-3524C3E9E21B ERROR Data: {"Code":"ZoneVpc.Invalid.RegionId","HostId":"","Message":"Zone-Vpc regionId is invalid.","Recommend":"\u0026source=PopGw","RequestId":"48C6D230-E0DE-5710-84C5-3524C3E9E21B"} ERROR ERROR ERROR on ../../tmp/openshift-install-cluster-3444940882/dns/ line 34, in resource "alicloud_pvtz_zone_attachment" "pvtz_attachment": ERROR 34: resource "alicloud_pvtz_zone_attachment" "pvtz_attachment" { ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR Error: [ERROR] terraform-provider-alicloud/alicloud/resource_alicloud_eip_address.go:200: Resource alicloud_eip_address AllocateEipAddress Failed!!! [SDK alibaba-cloud-sdk-go ERROR]: ERROR SDKError: ERROR Code: OrderError.EIP ERROR Message: code: 400, The Account failed to create order. request id: 0A2FA3EA-6635-371C-861F-6F699984C507 ERROR Data: {"Code":"OrderError.EIP","HostId":"","Message":"The Account failed to create order.","Recommend":"\u0026source=PopGw","RequestId":"0A2FA3EA-6635-371C-861F-6F699984C507"} ERROR ERROR ERROR on ../../tmp/openshift-install-cluster-3444940882/vpc/ line 1, in resource "alicloud_eip_address" "eip": ERROR 1: resource "alicloud_eip_address" "eip" { ERROR ERROR FATAL failed to fetch Cluster: failed to generate asset "Cluster": failed to create cluster: failed to apply Terraform: failed to complete the change $ >(2) I tried with "aliyun" of BindZoneVpc and AllocateEipAddress which also failed. But, at alibaba cloud websole, I could CreateEIP in the region successfuly and bind it to the NAT gateway, although in the Bind VPC page of the private zone I failed to find the region. $ aliyun vpc DescribeVpcs --RegionId me-east-1 --VpcName jiwei-403-xr2df-vpc --endpoint --output cols=VpcName,VpcId,NatGatewayIds.NatGatewayIds rows=Vpcs.Vpc[] VpcName | VpcId | NatGatewayIds.NatGatewayIds ------- | ----- | --------------------------- jiwei-403-xr2df-vpc | vpc-eb3509o1571lfbkqlluoc | [ngw-eb3xiic4gc5pdszbh4wpe] $ aliyun pvtz DescribeZones --endpoint --Keyword jiwei-403 { "PageNumber": 1, "PageSize": 20, "RequestId": "CA232F7D-DEAE-5F31-A4FF-65C02829A260", "TotalItems": 1, "TotalPages": 1, "Zones": { "Zone": [ { "CreateTime": "2022-01-13T05:31Z", "CreateTimestamp": 1642051886000, "IsPtr": false, "ProxyPattern": "ZONE", "RecordCount": 2, "ResourceGroupId": "rg-aeky7nftfwradjy", "UpdateTime": "2022-01-13T05:31Z", "UpdateTimestamp": 1642051916000, "ZoneId": "36f2f2e5f53133ae4b24252bcdc75788", "ZoneName": "", "ZoneType": "AUTH_ZONE" } ] } } $ $ aliyun pvtz BindZoneVpc --ZoneId 36f2f2e5f53133ae4b24252bcdc75788 --Vpcs.1.RegionId me-east-1 --Vpcs.1.VpcId vpc-eb3509o1571lfbkqlluoc --endpoint ERROR: SDK.ServerError ErrorCode: ZoneVpc.Invalid.RegionId Recommend: RequestId: 8883DEC9-9F0F-5EDE-B022-3451FEB52CDF Message: Zone-Vpc regionId is invalid. $ $ aliyun vpc AllocateEipAddress --RegionId me-east-1 --endpoint ERROR: SDK.ServerError ErrorCode: OrderError.EIP Recommend: RequestId: 2A140267-51DA-3181-9A9C-0C6DBA14DFEF Message: The Account failed to create order. $
I have tested AllocateEipAddress in my environmnet, EIP can be allocated successfully. Maybe EIP reached the quota limit in your account? I will send you a screenshot in slack. shell@Alicloud:~$ aliyun vpc AllocateEipAddress --RegionId me-east-1 --endpoint { "AllocationId": "eip-eb30z1urfwd3jcs2ew5iz", "EipAddress": "", "RequestId": "8DD7C858-F24D-39F2-A033-051AEB156998", "ResourceGroupId": "rg-acfm2ia66e2qy4y" PVTZ service is not supported in Dubai(me-east-1), because there is only one AZ, which leaded to the failure.
FYI As suggested by Bo Teng, adding the param '--InternetChargeType PayByTraffic' can successfully allocating an EIP. $ aliyun vpc AllocateEipAddress --RegionId me-east-1 --Name jiwei-test1-eip --InternetChargeType PayByTraffic --endpoint { "AllocationId": "eip-eb3w4ooz8p61e9kfhyl17", "EipAddress": "", "RequestId": "EF514AB0-E05F-384A-B0C1-20B0FD874528", "ResourceGroupId": "rg-acfnw6kdej3hyai" } $ Default is pay by bandwidth, but Dubai does not support pay by bandwidth.
Regarding EIP Dubai does not support EIP paid by bandwidth, only support pain by traffic. Since PVTZ is not support, OCP can not support this region.
@bteng Are there API calls that the installer could make to verify that PVTZ is or is not supported in a region? Ideally, the installer would fail before running the terraform with a more meaningful error given to the user.
I have moved the issue with the PVTZ service to I am changing the focus of this BZ to be only the issue with the EIP.
*** Bug 2041664 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Tested with region 'ap-south-1 (India (Mumbai))' (bug and now the EIP does be created by installer. Mark as verified. $ openshift-install version openshift-install 4.10.0-0.nightly-2022-01-20-082726 built from commit 9eade28a9ce4862a6ef092bc5f5fcfb499342d4d release image release architecture amd64 $ $ aliyun vpc DescribeEipAddresses --RegionId ap-south-1 --EipName jiwei-405-bbrrc-eip --output cols=AllocationId,InstanceRegionId,InstanceType,Description,InternetChargeType,IpAddress,Tags.Tag[] rows=EipAddresses.EipAddress[] AllocationId | InstanceRegionId | InstanceType | Description | InternetChargeType | IpAddress | Tags.Tag[] ------------ | ---------------- | ------------ | ----------- | ------------------ | --------- | ---------- eip-a2dkmtv16me8rv4sr16wb | ap-south-1 | Nat | Created By OpenShift Installer | PayByTraffic | | [map[Key:Name Value:jiwei-405-bbrrc-eip] map[ Value:ocp] map[Key:GISV Value:ocp] map[ Value:owned]] $
Since the problem described in this bug report should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For information on the advisory (Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.10.3 security update), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below. If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.