Bug 2052607 - [4.9.z clone] python exporter script 'ceph-external-cluster-details-exporter.py' error cap mon does not match on ODF 4.9
Summary: [4.9.z clone] python exporter script 'ceph-external-cluster-details-exporter....
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation
Classification: Red Hat Storage
Component: rook
Version: 4.9
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: ODF 4.9.7
Assignee: Parth Arora
QA Contact: Vijay Avuthu
Depends On: 2048458 2052608
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2022-02-09 16:24 UTC by Parth Arora
Modified: 2023-08-09 17:03 UTC (History)
15 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: No Doc Update
Doc Text:
Clone Of: 2048458
Last Closed: 2022-05-23 17:53:48 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Github red-hat-storage rook pull 350 0 None open Bug 2052607: csi: make create and get process separate for csi users [4.9] 2022-04-28 11:40:39 UTC
Github rook rook pull 9703 0 None Merged csi: make create and get process separate for csi users 2022-02-14 16:53:02 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHBA-2022:4710 0 None None None 2022-05-23 17:53:58 UTC

Comment 10 Vijay Avuthu 2022-05-17 14:23:33 UTC

Tested with scenario of csi users already existed with different caps

existing csi users:

	key: AQDki4Nif+3xDxAACR4vbqMtCikyaeqIJs7itQ==
	caps: [mds] allow rw
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] allow r, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs *=*
	key: AQDki4Nie2ZeEBAASYJjVjP3L7hKw4K8EWCfNg==
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] allow r, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs metadata=*
	key: AQDki4Ni6rAcDxAAGCwzY+AIbOz8cUj3zID/wQ==
	caps: [mon] profile rbd, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] profile rbd
	key: AQDki4NiH0KMDxAAuYMDwiUnbjIK7qnlPnPAcg==
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] profile rbd, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] profile rbd

> then deploy ODF 4.9.7-2 and it fails with below error

2022-05-17 18:21:27  12:51:27 - MainThread - ocs_ci.deployment.helpers.external_cluster_helpers - ERROR - Failed to run /tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py with parameters --rbd-data-pool-name rbd --rgw-endpoint Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-05-17 18:21:27    File "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 853, in <module>
2022-05-17 18:21:27      raise err
2022-05-17 18:21:27    File "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 850, in <module>
2022-05-17 18:21:27      rjObj.main()
2022-05-17 18:21:27    File "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 831, in main
2022-05-17 18:21:27      generated_output = self.gen_json_out()
2022-05-17 18:21:27    File "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 656, in gen_json_out
2022-05-17 18:21:27      self._gen_output_map()
2022-05-17 18:21:27    File "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 626, in _gen_output_map
2022-05-17 18:21:27      self.out_map['CSI_RBD_NODE_SECRET_SECRET'] = self.create_cephCSIKeyring_RBDNode()
2022-05-17 18:21:27    File "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 554, in create_cephCSIKeyring_RBDNode
2022-05-17 18:21:27      "Error: {}".format(err_msg if ret_val != 0 else self.EMPTY_OUTPUT_LIST))
2022-05-17 18:21:27  __main__.ExecutionFailureException: 'auth get-or-create client.csi-rbd-node' command failed
2022-05-17 18:21:27  Error: key for client.csi-rbd-node exists but cap mon does not match
2022-05-17 18:21:27  12:51:27 - MainThread - ocs_ci.deployment.deployment - ERROR - 

> looks like update external script is not existed/updated in 4.9.7-2 packagemanifest/csv

$ oc get csv -n openshift-storage | grep ocs-operator
ocs-operator.v4.9.7   OpenShift Container Storage   4.9.7     ocs-operator.v4.9.6   Succeeded

$ oc get csv $(oc get csv -n openshift-storage | grep ocs-operator | awk '{print $1}') -n openshift-storage -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.external\.features\.ocs\.openshift\.io/export-script}' | base64 --decode > ceph-external-cluster-details-exporter.py
$ grep -ir "check_user_exist" ceph-external-cluster-details.exporter.py

Comment 11 Vijay Avuthu 2022-05-17 14:31:27 UTC
(In reply to Vijay Avuthu from comment #10)
> Update:
> =======

> > looks like update external script is not existed/updated in 4.9.7-2 packagemanifest/csv
> $ oc get csv -n openshift-storage | grep ocs-operator
> ocs-operator.v4.9.7   OpenShift Container Storage   4.9.7    
> ocs-operator.v4.9.6   Succeeded
> $
> $ oc get csv $(oc get csv -n openshift-storage | grep ocs-operator | awk
> '{print $1}') -n openshift-storage -o
> jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.external\.features\.ocs\.openshift\.io/
> export-script}' | base64 --decode > ceph-external-cluster-details-exporter.py
> $ grep -ir "check_user_exist" ceph-external-cluster-details.exporter.py

grepped on wrong file 

$ grep -ir "check_user_exist" ceph-external-cluster-details-exporter.py
    def check_user_exist(self,user):
        user_key = self.check_user_exist("client.csi-cephfs-provisioner")
        user_key = self.check_user_exist("client.csi-cephfs-node")
        user_key = self.check_user_exist("client.csi-rbd-provisioner")
        user_key = self.check_user_exist("client.csi-rbd-node")

So, its failed with correct/updated script

Comment 12 Vijay Avuthu 2022-05-17 14:45:52 UTC
(In reply to Vijay Avuthu from comment #10)
> Update:
> =======
> Tested with scenario of csi users already existed with different caps
> existing csi users:
> client.csi-cephfs-node
> 	key: AQDki4Nif+3xDxAACR4vbqMtCikyaeqIJs7itQ==
> 	caps: [mds] allow rw
> 	caps: [mgr] allow rw
> 	caps: [mon] allow r, allow command 'osd blocklist'
> 	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs *=*
> client.csi-cephfs-provisioner
> 	key: AQDki4Nie2ZeEBAASYJjVjP3L7hKw4K8EWCfNg==
> 	caps: [mgr] allow rw
> 	caps: [mon] allow r, allow command 'osd blocklist'
> 	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs metadata=*
> client.csi-rbd-node
> 	key: AQDki4Ni6rAcDxAAGCwzY+AIbOz8cUj3zID/wQ==
> 	caps: [mon] profile rbd, allow command 'osd blocklist'
> 	caps: [osd] profile rbd
> client.csi-rbd-provisioner
> 	key: AQDki4NiH0KMDxAAuYMDwiUnbjIK7qnlPnPAcg==
> 	caps: [mgr] allow rw
> 	caps: [mon] profile rbd, allow command 'osd blocklist'
> 	caps: [osd] profile rbd
> > then deploy ODF 4.9.7-2 and it fails with below error
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27  12:51:27 - MainThread -
> ocs_ci.deployment.helpers.external_cluster_helpers - ERROR - Failed to run
> /tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py with parameters
> --rbd-data-pool-name rbd --rgw-endpoint Error: Traceback
> (most recent call last):
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27    File
> "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 853, in <module>
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27      raise err
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27    File
> "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 850, in <module>
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27      rjObj.main()
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27    File
> "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 831, in main
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27      generated_output = self.gen_json_out()
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27    File
> "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 656, in
> gen_json_out
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27      self._gen_output_map()
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27    File
> "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 626, in
> _gen_output_map
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27      self.out_map['CSI_RBD_NODE_SECRET_SECRET'] =
> self.create_cephCSIKeyring_RBDNode()
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27    File
> "/tmp/external-cluster-details-exporter-vzikiiya.py", line 554, in
> create_cephCSIKeyring_RBDNode
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27      "Error: {}".format(err_msg if ret_val != 0 else
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27  __main__.ExecutionFailureException: 'auth get-or-create
> client.csi-rbd-node' command failed
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27  Error: key for client.csi-rbd-node exists but cap mon
> does not match
> 2022-05-17 18:21:27  12:51:27 - MainThread - ocs_ci.deployment.deployment -
> ERROR - 
> > looks like update external script is not existed/updated in 4.9.7-2 packagemanifest/csv
> $ oc get csv -n openshift-storage | grep ocs-operator
> ocs-operator.v4.9.7   OpenShift Container Storage   4.9.7    
> ocs-operator.v4.9.6   Succeeded
> $
> $ oc get csv $(oc get csv -n openshift-storage | grep ocs-operator | awk
> '{print $1}') -n openshift-storage -o
> jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.external\.features\.ocs\.openshift\.io/
> export-script}' | base64 --decode > ceph-external-cluster-details-exporter.py
> $ grep -ir "check_user_exist" ceph-external-cluster-details.exporter.py

there is issue in osc-ci in getting exporter script. changing status back to ON_QA

Comment 13 Vijay Avuthu 2022-05-18 13:50:23 UTC
Verified below scenarios ( ocs-registry:4.9.7-2 ):

1. Direct deployment of ODF 4.9 ( external cluster - doesn't have any csi users )

verified csi users are created 

	key: AQBcO4Nia6OdORAApg57j2vtZcb7Otd2g1bA2Q==
	caps: [mds] allow rw
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] allow r
	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs *=*
	key: AQBcO4NikILzORAAH1KJW4h0krD4zTffY4jxyA==
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] allow r
	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs metadata=*
	key: AQBcO4Nii8bOOBAAWYM4o0eTsNLhymisVBjm8g==
	caps: [mon] profile rbd
	caps: [osd] profile rbd
	key: AQBcO4NiHWw+ORAA9p03lc9TZiT4pzcq0vy6BQ==
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] profile rbd
	caps: [osd] profile rbd



2. create users with caps ( from ODF 4.10 external script).

	key: AQDki4Nif+3xDxAACR4vbqMtCikyaeqIJs7itQ==
	caps: [mds] allow rw
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] allow r, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs *=*
	key: AQDki4Nie2ZeEBAASYJjVjP3L7hKw4K8EWCfNg==
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] allow r, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs metadata=*
	key: AQDki4Ni6rAcDxAAGCwzY+AIbOz8cUj3zID/wQ==
	caps: [mon] profile rbd, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] profile rbd
	key: AQDki4NiH0KMDxAAuYMDwiUnbjIK7qnlPnPAcg==
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] profile rbd, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] profile rbd

then normal ODF 4.9 deployment


	key: AQDki4Nif+3xDxAACR4vbqMtCikyaeqIJs7itQ==
	caps: [mds] allow rw
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] allow r, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs *=*
	key: AQDki4Nie2ZeEBAASYJjVjP3L7hKw4K8EWCfNg==
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] allow r, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs metadata=*
	key: AQDki4Ni6rAcDxAAGCwzY+AIbOz8cUj3zID/wQ==
	caps: [mon] profile rbd, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] profile rbd
	key: AQDki4NiH0KMDxAAuYMDwiUnbjIK7qnlPnPAcg==
	caps: [mgr] allow rw
	caps: [mon] profile rbd, allow command 'osd blocklist'
	caps: [osd] profile rbd


3. upgrade from 4.9.7-2 to 4.10.2-3 ( used cluster from scenario 2 )



4. upgrade from 4.8.10 live to ocs-registry:4.9.7-2



Marking as Verified

Comment 17 errata-xmlrpc 2022-05-23 17:53:48 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory (Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.9.7 Bug Fix Update), and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.