Created attachment 1870682 [details] Missing generate from reporting component v1 events do not show the reporting component (highlighted in the attached image). v1 event: ``` - action: Binding apiVersion: v1 eventTime: "2022-04-04T14:49:13.232830Z" firstTimestamp: null involvedObject: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod name: nginx namespace: default resourceVersion: "175465" uid: 32f0da6f-5073-4cce-a3a8-68103c5033f3 kind: Event lastTimestamp: null message: Successfully assigned default/nginx to ip-10-0-172-19.ec2.internal metadata: creationTimestamp: "2022-04-04T14:49:13Z" name: nginx.16e2b8efb44fe956 namespace: default resourceVersion: "175467" uid: 0ad1db2b-e6ed-42b8-be38-bae4e75164e6 reason: Scheduled reportingComponent: secondary-scheduler reportingInstance: secondary-scheduler-cluster-7d7b48fb56-zzmrx source: {} type: Normal ``` compared to v1beta1 event where the "Generated from" string mentions the source of the event: ``` - apiVersion: v1 count: 1 eventTime: null firstTimestamp: "2022-04-04T14:49:18Z" involvedObject: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: spec.containers{nginx} kind: Pod name: nginx namespace: default resourceVersion: "175466" uid: 32f0da6f-5073-4cce-a3a8-68103c5033f3 kind: Event lastTimestamp: "2022-04-04T14:49:18Z" message: Successfully pulled image "nginx:1.14.2" in 2.871184011s metadata: creationTimestamp: "2022-04-04T14:49:18Z" name: nginx.16e2b8f0fa1e77a3 namespace: default resourceVersion: "175530" uid: 347c2f35-9e1b-41ab-aa72-d3d59edf79bd reason: Pulled reportingComponent: "" reportingInstance: "" source: component: kubelet host: ip-10-0-172-19.ec2.internal type: Normal ``` The difference is in the `.source` field which is empty for v1 events. The UI should be able to read the right field. `.source` for v1beta1 and `.reportingComponent` for v1.
Checked on ocp 4.11 cluster with payload 4.11.0-0.nightly-2022-04-11-200046. Steps to verify: 1. Get 2 events, the first event has "reportingComponent: test", the second event has "source: component: anothertest" kind: Event apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: example-845d5478d-6vgjr.16e528331a7e010d namespace: default uid: a6269421-7cc7-4e8c-9fb4-1b214867d183 resourceVersion: '599589' creationTimestamp: '2022-04-12T13:10:38Z' managedFields: - manager: kubelet operation: Update apiVersion: v1 time: '2022-04-12T13:10:38Z' fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: 'f:count': {} 'f:firstTimestamp': {} 'f:involvedObject': {} 'f:lastTimestamp': {} 'f:message': {} 'f:reason': {} 'f:source': 'f:host': {} 'f:type': {} - manager: Mozilla operation: Update apiVersion: v1 time: '2022-04-12T13:21:48Z' fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: 'f:reportingComponent': {} involvedObject: kind: Pod namespace: default name: example-845d5478d-6vgjr uid: 5cde0ed8-75ad-4cc8-bf9d-726a19cb972a apiVersion: v1 resourceVersion: '578864' fieldPath: 'spec.containers{httpd}' reason: Pulled message: >- Successfully pulled image "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/httpd:latest" in 9.458154266s source: host: firstTimestamp: '2022-04-12T13:10:38Z' lastTimestamp: '2022-04-12T13:10:38Z' count: 1 type: Normal eventTime: null reportingComponent: test reportingInstance: '' ================================================= reason: Created kind: Event apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: example-845d5478d-6vgjr.16e5283324665f29 namespace: default uid: 9620d350-0b08-4b7b-971b-0e1301800c1d resourceVersion: '603946' creationTimestamp: '2022-04-12T13:10:38Z' managedFields: - manager: kubelet operation: Update apiVersion: v1 time: '2022-04-12T13:10:38Z' fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: 'f:count': {} 'f:firstTimestamp': {} 'f:involvedObject': {} 'f:lastTimestamp': {} 'f:message': {} 'f:reason': {} 'f:source': 'f:host': {} 'f:type': {} - manager: Mozilla operation: Update apiVersion: v1 time: '2022-04-12T13:24:11Z' fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: 'f:source': 'f:component': {} involvedObject: kind: Pod namespace: default name: example-845d5478d-6vgjr uid: 5cde0ed8-75ad-4cc8-bf9d-726a19cb972a apiVersion: v1 resourceVersion: '578864' fieldPath: 'spec.containers{httpd}' reason: Created message: Created container httpd source: component: anothertest host: firstTimestamp: '2022-04-12T13:10:38Z' lastTimestamp: '2022-04-12T13:10:38Z' count: 1 type: Normal eventTime: null reportingComponent: '' reportingInstance: '' 2. Check on the events page, could see events generated from "test" and "anothertest". Refer to screenshots.
Since the problem described in this bug report should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For information on the advisory (Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.11.0 bug fix and security update), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below. If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.