RHEL Engineering is moving the tracking of its product development work on RHEL 6 through RHEL 9 to Red Hat Jira (issues.redhat.com). If you're a Red Hat customer, please continue to file support cases via the Red Hat customer portal. If you're not, please head to the "RHEL project" in Red Hat Jira and file new tickets here. Individual Bugzilla bugs in the statuses "NEW", "ASSIGNED", and "POST" are being migrated throughout September 2023. Bugs of Red Hat partners with an assigned Engineering Partner Manager (EPM) are migrated in late September as per pre-agreed dates. Bugs against components "kernel", "kernel-rt", and "kpatch" are only migrated if still in "NEW" or "ASSIGNED". If you cannot log in to RH Jira, please consult article #7032570. That failing, please send an e-mail to the RH Jira admins at rh-issues@redhat.com to troubleshoot your issue as a user management inquiry. The email creates a ServiceNow ticket with Red Hat. Individual Bugzilla bugs that are migrated will be moved to status "CLOSED", resolution "MIGRATED", and set with "MigratedToJIRA" in "Keywords". The link to the successor Jira issue will be found under "Links", have a little "two-footprint" icon next to it, and direct you to the "RHEL project" in Red Hat Jira (issue links are of type "https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHEL-XXXX", where "X" is a digit). This same link will be available in a blue banner at the top of the page informing you that that bug has been migrated.
Bug 2123594 - [RHEL9 system role] storage role vdo tests failed about "VDO deduplication is off but it should not"
Summary: [RHEL9 system role] storage role vdo tests failed about "VDO deduplication ...
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
Classification: Red Hat
Component: rhel-system-roles
Version: 9.1
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: rc
: 9.2
Assignee: Jan
QA Contact: guazhang@redhat.com
Whiteboard: role:storage
Depends On:
Blocks: 2091421 2151351
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2022-09-02 04:16 UTC by guazhang@redhat.com
Modified: 2023-05-09 08:41 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version: rhel-system-roles-1.21.0-0.13.el9
Doc Type: No Doc Update
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
: 2151351 (view as bug list)
Last Closed: 2023-05-09 07:37:53 UTC
Type: Bug
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Issue Tracker RHELPLAN-133102 0 None None None 2022-09-02 04:21:05 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHEA-2023:2246 0 None None None 2023-05-09 07:38:20 UTC

Description guazhang@redhat.com 2022-09-02 04:16:13 UTC
Description of problem:
system role regression testing failed and found new error about vdo tests, tests_create_lvmvdo_then_remove.yml, tests_create_lvmvdo_then_remove_scsi_generated.yml

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
RHEL-9.1.0-20220829.0 BaseOS x86_64


How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. echo "localhost  ansible_connection=local" > host
2. ansible-playbook -vv -i host tests_create_lvmvdo_then_remove_scsi_generated.yml

Actual results:
return error code 

Expected results:
don't error 

Additional info:

TASK [Validate pool member VDO settings] ***************************************
task path: /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.storage/tests/verify-pool-members-vdo.yml:1
included: /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.storage/tests/verify-pool-member-vdo.yml for localhost => (item={'encryption': False, 'encryption_cipher': None, 'encryption_key': None, 'encryption_key_size': None, 'encryption_luks_version': None, 'encryption_password': None, 'fs_create_options': '', 'fs_label': '', 'fs_type': 'xfs', 'mount_options': 'defaults', 'mount_point': '/opt/test1', 'name': 'volume1', 'raid_level': None, 'size': '12g', 'state': 'present', 'type': 'lvm', 'cached': False, 'cache_devices': [], 'cache_mode': None, 'cache_size': 0, 'compression': True, 'deduplication': True, 'raid_disks': [], 'thin_pool_name': None, 'thin_pool_size': None, 'thin': False, 'vdo_pool_size': '9g', 'disks': [], 'fs_overwrite_existing': True, 'mount_check': 0, 'mount_passno': 0, 'mount_device_identifier': 'uuid', 'raid_device_count': None, 'raid_spare_count': None, 'raid_chunk_size': None, 'raid_metadata_version': None, '_device': '/dev/mapper/pool1-volume1', '_raw_device': '/dev/mapper/pool1-volume1', '_mount_id': '/dev/mapper/pool1-volume1', '_kernel_device': '/dev/dm-5', '_raw_kernel_device': '/dev/dm-5'})

TASK [get information about VDO deduplication] *********************************
task path: /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.storage/tests/verify-pool-member-vdo.yml:3
ok: [localhost] => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["vdostats", "--verbose", "pool1-vdopool-vpool"], "delta": "0:00:00.033204", "end": "2022-09-01 14:18:56.921631", "msg": "", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-09-01 14:18:56.888427", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "pool1-vdopool-vpool : \n  version                               : 35\n  release version                       : 0\n  data blocks used                      : 45\n  overhead blocks used                  : 787526\n  logical blocks used                   : 2651\n  physical blocks                       : 2359296\n  logical blocks                        : 3145984\n  1K-blocks                             : 9437184\n  1K-blocks used                        : 3150284\n  1K-blocks available                   : 6286900\n  used percent                          : 33\n  saving percent                        : 98\n  block map cache size                  : 134217728\n  block size                            : 4096\n  completed recovery count              : 0\n  read-only recovery count              : 0\n  operating mode                        : normal\n  recovery progress (%)                 : N/A\n  compressed fragments written          : 570\n  compressed blocks written             : 42\n  compressed fragments in packer        : 0\n  slab count                            : 3\n  slabs opened                          : 1\n  slabs reopened                        : 0\n  journal disk full count               : 0\n  journal commits requested count       : 0\n  journal entries batching              : 0\n  journal entries started               : 6450\n  journal entries writing               : 0\n  journal entries written               : 6450\n  journal entries committed             : 6450\n  journal blocks batching               : 0\n  journal blocks started                : 203\n  journal blocks writing                : 0\n  journal blocks written                : 203\n  journal blocks committed              : 203\n  slab journal disk full count          : 0\n  slab journal flush count              : 0\n  slab journal blocked count            : 0\n  slab journal blocks written           : 0\n  slab journal tail busy count          : 0\n  slab summary blocks written           : 0\n  reference blocks written              : 0\n  block map dirty pages                 : 8\n  block map clean pages                 : 0\n  block map free pages                  : 32760\n  block map failed pages                : 0\n  block map incoming pages              : 0\n  block map outgoing pages              : 0\n  block map cache pressure              : 0\n  block map read count                  : 3917\n  block map write count                 : 3209\n  block map failed reads                : 0\n  block map failed writes               : 0\n  block map reclaimed                   : 0\n  block map read outgoing               : 0\n  block map found in cache              : 6844\n  block map discard required            : 0\n  block map wait for page               : 274\n  block map fetch required              : 8\n  block map pages loaded                : 8\n  block map pages saved                 : 0\n  block map flush count                 : 0\n  dedupe advice valid                   : 3\n  dedupe advice stale                   : 0\n  concurrent data matches               : 3\n  concurrent hash collisions            : 0\n  invalid advice PBN count              : 0\n  no space error count                  : 0\n  read only error count                 : 0\n  instance                              : 1\n  512 byte emulation                    : off\n  current VDO IO requests in progress   : 0\n  maximum VDO IO requests in progress   : 834\n  dedupe advice timeouts                : 0\n  flush out                             : 5\n  write amplification ratio             : 0.00\n  bios in read                          : 1506\n  bios in write                         : 3209\n  bios in empty flush                   : 5\n  bios in discard                       : 3145728\n  bios in flush                         : 5\n  bios in fua                           : 0\n  bios in partial read                  : 0\n  bios in partial write                 : 0\n  bios in partial empty flush           : 0\n  bios in partial discard               : 0\n  bios in partial flush                 : 0\n  bios in partial fua                   : 0\n  bios out read                         : 146\n  bios out write                        : 51\n  bios out empty flush                  : 0\n  bios out discard                      : 0\n  bios out flush                        : 0\n  bios out fua                          : 0\n  bios meta read                        : 69\n  bios meta write                       : 205\n  bios meta empty flush                 : 0\n  bios meta discard                     : 0\n  bios meta flush                       : 204\n  bios meta fua                         : 1\n  bios journal read                     : 0\n  bios journal write                    : 203\n  bios journal empty flush              : 0\n  bios journal discard                  : 0\n  bios journal flush                    : 203\n  bios journal fua                      : 0\n  bios page cache read                  : 8\n  bios page cache write                 : 0\n  bios page cache empty flush           : 0\n  bios page cache discard               : 0\n  bios page cache flush                 : 0\n  bios page cache fua                   : 0\n  bios out completed read               : 146\n  bios out completed write              : 51\n  bios out completed empty flush        : 0\n  bios out completed discard            : 0\n  bios out completed flush              : 0\n  bios out completed fua                : 0\n  bios meta completed read              : 69\n  bios meta completed write             : 205\n  bios meta completed empty flush       : 0\n  bios meta completed discard           : 0\n  bios meta completed flush             : 0\n  bios meta completed fua               : 0\n  bios journal completed read           : 0\n  bios journal completed write          : 203\n  bios journal completed empty flush    : 0\n  bios journal completed discard        : 0\n  bios journal completed flush          : 0\n  bios journal completed fua            : 0\n  bios page cache completed read        : 8\n  bios page cache completed write       : 0\n  bios page cache completed empty flush : 0\n  bios page cache completed discard     : 0\n  bios page cache completed flush       : 0\n  bios page cache completed fua         : 0\n  bios acknowledged read                : 1506\n  bios acknowledged write               : 3209\n  bios acknowledged empty flush         : 5\n  bios acknowledged discard             : 3145728\n  bios acknowledged flush               : 5\n  bios acknowledged fua                 : 0\n  bios acknowledged partial read        : 0\n  bios acknowledged partial write       : 0\n  bios acknowledged partial empty flush : 0\n  bios acknowledged partial discard     : 0\n  bios acknowledged partial flush       : 0\n  bios acknowledged partial fua         : 0\n  bios in progress read                 : 0\n  bios in progress write                : 0\n  bios in progress empty flush          : 0\n  bios in progress discard              : 0\n  bios in progress flush                : 0\n  bios in progress fua                  : 0\n  KVDO module bytes used                : 410764592\n  KVDO module peak bytes used           : 410894736\n  entries indexed                       : 579\n  posts found                           : 3\n  posts not found                       : 579\n  queries found                         : 0\n  queries not found                     : 0\n  updates found                         : 570\n  updates not found                     : 0\n  current dedupe queries                : 0\n  maximum dedupe queries                : 0", "stdout_lines": ["pool1-vdopool-vpool : ", "  version                               : 35", "  release version                       : 0", "  data blocks used                      : 45", "  overhead blocks used                  : 787526", "  logical blocks used                   : 2651", "  physical blocks                       : 2359296", "  logical blocks                        : 3145984", "  1K-blocks                             : 9437184", "  1K-blocks used                        : 3150284", "  1K-blocks available                   : 6286900", "  used percent                          : 33", "  saving percent                        : 98", "  block map cache size                  : 134217728", "  block size                            : 4096", "  completed recovery count              : 0", "  read-only recovery count              : 0", "  operating mode                        : normal", "  recovery progress (%)                 : N/A", "  compressed fragments written          : 570", "  compressed blocks written             : 42", "  compressed fragments in packer        : 0", "  slab count                            : 3", "  slabs opened                          : 1", "  slabs reopened                        : 0", "  journal disk full count               : 0", "  journal commits requested count       : 0", "  journal entries batching              : 0", "  journal entries started               : 6450", "  journal entries writing               : 0", "  journal entries written               : 6450", "  journal entries committed             : 6450", "  journal blocks batching               : 0", "  journal blocks started                : 203", "  journal blocks writing                : 0", "  journal blocks written                : 203", "  journal blocks committed              : 203", "  slab journal disk full count          : 0", "  slab journal flush count              : 0", "  slab journal blocked count            : 0", "  slab journal blocks written           : 0", "  slab journal tail busy count          : 0", "  slab summary blocks written           : 0", "  reference blocks written              : 0", "  block map dirty pages                 : 8", "  block map clean pages                 : 0", "  block map free pages                  : 32760", "  block map failed pages                : 0", "  block map incoming pages              : 0", "  block map outgoing pages              : 0", "  block map cache pressure              : 0", "  block map read count                  : 3917", "  block map write count                 : 3209", "  block map failed reads                : 0", "  block map failed writes               : 0", "  block map reclaimed                   : 0", "  block map read outgoing               : 0", "  block map found in cache              : 6844", "  block map discard required            : 0", "  block map wait for page               : 274", "  block map fetch required              : 8", "  block map pages loaded                : 8", "  block map pages saved                 : 0", "  block map flush count                 : 0", "  dedupe advice valid                   : 3", "  dedupe advice stale                   : 0", "  concurrent data matches               : 3", "  concurrent hash collisions            : 0", "  invalid advice PBN count              : 0", "  no space error count                  : 0", "  read only error count                 : 0", "  instance                              : 1", "  512 byte emulation                    : off", "  current VDO IO requests in progress   : 0", "  maximum VDO IO requests in progress   : 834", "  dedupe advice timeouts                : 0", "  flush out                             : 5", "  write amplification ratio             : 0.00", "  bios in read                          : 1506", "  bios in write                         : 3209", "  bios in empty flush                   : 5", "  bios in discard                       : 3145728", "  bios in flush                         : 5", "  bios in fua                           : 0", "  bios in partial read                  : 0", "  bios in partial write                 : 0", "  bios in partial empty flush           : 0", "  bios in partial discard               : 0", "  bios in partial flush                 : 0", "  bios in partial fua                   : 0", "  bios out read                         : 146", "  bios out write                        : 51", "  bios out empty flush                  : 0", "  bios out discard                      : 0", "  bios out flush                        : 0", "  bios out fua                          : 0", "  bios meta read                        : 69", "  bios meta write                       : 205", "  bios meta empty flush                 : 0", "  bios meta discard                     : 0", "  bios meta flush                       : 204", "  bios meta fua                         : 1", "  bios journal read                     : 0", "  bios journal write                    : 203", "  bios journal empty flush              : 0", "  bios journal discard                  : 0", "  bios journal flush                    : 203", "  bios journal fua                      : 0", "  bios page cache read                  : 8", "  bios page cache write                 : 0", "  bios page cache empty flush           : 0", "  bios page cache discard               : 0", "  bios page cache flush                 : 0", "  bios page cache fua                   : 0", "  bios out completed read               : 146", "  bios out completed write              : 51", "  bios out completed empty flush        : 0", "  bios out completed discard            : 0", "  bios out completed flush              : 0", "  bios out completed fua                : 0", "  bios meta completed read              : 69", "  bios meta completed write             : 205", "  bios meta completed empty flush       : 0", "  bios meta completed discard           : 0", "  bios meta completed flush             : 0", "  bios meta completed fua               : 0", "  bios journal completed read           : 0", "  bios journal completed write          : 203", "  bios journal completed empty flush    : 0", "  bios journal completed discard        : 0", "  bios journal completed flush          : 0", "  bios journal completed fua            : 0", "  bios page cache completed read        : 8", "  bios page cache completed write       : 0", "  bios page cache completed empty flush : 0", "  bios page cache completed discard     : 0", "  bios page cache completed flush       : 0", "  bios page cache completed fua         : 0", "  bios acknowledged read                : 1506", "  bios acknowledged write               : 3209", "  bios acknowledged empty flush         : 5", "  bios acknowledged discard             : 3145728", "  bios acknowledged flush               : 5", "  bios acknowledged fua                 : 0", "  bios acknowledged partial read        : 0", "  bios acknowledged partial write       : 0", "  bios acknowledged partial empty flush : 0", "  bios acknowledged partial discard     : 0", "  bios acknowledged partial flush       : 0", "  bios acknowledged partial fua         : 0", "  bios in progress read                 : 0", "  bios in progress write                : 0", "  bios in progress empty flush          : 0", "  bios in progress discard              : 0", "  bios in progress flush                : 0", "  bios in progress fua                  : 0", "  KVDO module bytes used                : 410764592", "  KVDO module peak bytes used           : 410894736", "  entries indexed                       : 579", "  posts found                           : 3", "  posts not found                       : 579", "  queries found                         : 0", "  queries not found                     : 0", "  updates found                         : 570", "  updates not found                     : 0", "  current dedupe queries                : 0", "  maximum dedupe queries                : 0"]}

TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
task path: /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.storage/tests/verify-pool-member-vdo.yml:8
ok: [localhost] => {"ansible_facts": {"storage_test_vdo_dedupe_re": "maximum dedupe queries +: +0$"}, "changed": false}

TASK [assert] ******************************************************************
task path: /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.storage/tests/verify-pool-member-vdo.yml:11
skipping: [localhost] => {"changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}

TASK [assert] ******************************************************************
task path: /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.storage/tests/verify-pool-member-vdo.yml:16
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
    "assertion": "storage_test_vdo_status.stdout is not regex(storage_test_vdo_dedupe_re)",
    "changed": false,
    "evaluated_to": false,
    "msg": "VDO deduplication is off but it should not"

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=82   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=45   rescued=0    ignored=0   
STDERR:[WARNING]: Unable to query 'service' tool (1):

root@storageqe-104 tests]# lsblk
NAME                         MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS
sda                            8:0    1 447.1G  0 disk 
└─sda1                         8:1    1 447.1G  0 part 
  └─pool1-vdopool_vdata      253:3    0     9G  0 lvm  
    └─pool1-vdopool-vpool    253:4    0    12G  0 lvm  
      ├─pool1-volume1        253:5    0    12G  0 lvm  /opt/test1
      └─pool1-vdopool        253:6    0   512K  1 lvm  

[root@storageqe-104 tests]# vdostats --verbose pool1-vdopool-vpool 
pool1-vdopool-vpool : 
  version                               : 35
  release version                       : 0
  data blocks used                      : 45
  overhead blocks used                  : 787526
  logical blocks used                   : 2651
  physical blocks                       : 2359296
  logical blocks                        : 3145984
  1K-blocks                             : 9437184
  1K-blocks used                        : 3150284
  1K-blocks available                   : 6286900
  used percent                          : 33
  saving percent                        : 98
  block map cache size                  : 134217728
  block size                            : 4096
  completed recovery count              : 0
  read-only recovery count              : 0
  operating mode                        : normal
  recovery progress (%)                 : N/A
  compressed fragments written          : 571
  compressed blocks written             : 42
  compressed fragments in packer        : 0
  slab count                            : 3
  slabs opened                          : 1
  slabs reopened                        : 0
  journal disk full count               : 0
  journal commits requested count       : 0
  journal entries batching              : 0
  journal entries started               : 6450
  journal entries writing               : 0
  journal entries written               : 6450
  journal entries committed             : 6450
  journal blocks batching               : 0
  journal blocks started                : 242
  journal blocks writing                : 0
  journal blocks written                : 242
  journal blocks committed              : 242
  slab journal disk full count          : 0
  slab journal flush count              : 0
  slab journal blocked count            : 0
  slab journal blocks written           : 0
  slab journal tail busy count          : 0
  slab summary blocks written           : 0
  reference blocks written              : 0
  block map dirty pages                 : 8
  block map clean pages                 : 0
  block map free pages                  : 32760
  block map failed pages                : 0
  block map incoming pages              : 0
  block map outgoing pages              : 0
  block map cache pressure              : 0
  block map read count                  : 3919
  block map write count                 : 3209
  block map failed reads                : 0
  block map failed writes               : 0
  block map reclaimed                   : 0
  block map read outgoing               : 0
  block map found in cache              : 6894
  block map discard required            : 0
  block map wait for page               : 226
  block map fetch required              : 8
  block map pages loaded                : 8
  block map pages saved                 : 0
  block map flush count                 : 0
  dedupe advice valid                   : 3
  dedupe advice stale                   : 0
  concurrent data matches               : 3
  concurrent hash collisions            : 0
  invalid advice PBN count              : 0
  no space error count                  : 0
  read only error count                 : 0
  instance                              : 7
  512 byte emulation                    : off
  current VDO IO requests in progress   : 0
  maximum VDO IO requests in progress   : 943
  dedupe advice timeouts                : 0
  flush out                             : 5
  write amplification ratio             : 0.00
  bios in read                          : 1506
  bios in write                         : 3209
  bios in empty flush                   : 5
  bios in discard                       : 3145728
  bios in flush                         : 5
  bios in fua                           : 0
  bios in partial read                  : 0
  bios in partial write                 : 0
  bios in partial empty flush           : 0
  bios in partial discard               : 0
  bios in partial flush                 : 0
  bios in partial fua                   : 0
  bios out read                         : 148
  bios out write                        : 50
  bios out empty flush                  : 0
  bios out discard                      : 0
  bios out flush                        : 0
  bios out fua                          : 0
  bios meta read                        : 69
  bios meta write                       : 244
  bios meta empty flush                 : 0
  bios meta discard                     : 0
  bios meta flush                       : 243
  bios meta fua                         : 1
  bios journal read                     : 0
  bios journal write                    : 242
  bios journal empty flush              : 0
  bios journal discard                  : 0
  bios journal flush                    : 242
  bios journal fua                      : 0
  bios page cache read                  : 8
  bios page cache write                 : 0
  bios page cache empty flush           : 0
  bios page cache discard               : 0
  bios page cache flush                 : 0
  bios page cache fua                   : 0
  bios out completed read               : 148
  bios out completed write              : 50
  bios out completed empty flush        : 0
  bios out completed discard            : 0
  bios out completed flush              : 0
  bios out completed fua                : 0
  bios meta completed read              : 69
  bios meta completed write             : 244
  bios meta completed empty flush       : 0
  bios meta completed discard           : 0
  bios meta completed flush             : 0
  bios meta completed fua               : 0
  bios journal completed read           : 0
  bios journal completed write          : 242
  bios journal completed empty flush    : 0
  bios journal completed discard        : 0
  bios journal completed flush          : 0
  bios journal completed fua            : 0
  bios page cache completed read        : 8
  bios page cache completed write       : 0
  bios page cache completed empty flush : 0
  bios page cache completed discard     : 0
  bios page cache completed flush       : 0
  bios page cache completed fua         : 0
  bios acknowledged read                : 1506
  bios acknowledged write               : 3209
  bios acknowledged empty flush         : 5
  bios acknowledged discard             : 3145728
  bios acknowledged flush               : 5
  bios acknowledged fua                 : 0
  bios acknowledged partial read        : 0
  bios acknowledged partial write       : 0
  bios acknowledged partial empty flush : 0
  bios acknowledged partial discard     : 0
  bios acknowledged partial flush       : 0
  bios acknowledged partial fua         : 0
  bios in progress read                 : 0
  bios in progress write                : 0
  bios in progress empty flush          : 0
  bios in progress discard              : 0
  bios in progress flush                : 0
  bios in progress fua                  : 0
  KVDO module bytes used                : 410764592
  KVDO module peak bytes used           : 410894736
  entries indexed                       : 579
  posts found                           : 3
  posts not found                       : 579
  queries found                         : 0
  queries not found                     : 0
  updates found                         : 571
  updates not found                     : 0
  current dedupe queries                : 0
  maximum dedupe queries                : 0
[root@storageqe-104 tests]# 


            "_device": "/dev/mapper/pool1-volume1",
            "_kernel_device": "/dev/dm-5",
            "_mount_id": "/dev/mapper/pool1-volume1",
            "_raw_device": "/dev/mapper/pool1-volume1",
            "_raw_kernel_device": "/dev/dm-5",
            "cache_devices": [],
            "cache_mode": null,
            "cache_size": 0,
            "cached": false,
            "compression": true,
            "deduplication": true,
            "disks": [],
            "encryption": false,
            "encryption_cipher": null,
            "encryption_key": null,
            "encryption_key_size": null,
            "encryption_luks_version": null,
            "encryption_password": null,
            "fs_create_options": "",
            "fs_label": "",
            "fs_overwrite_existing": true,
            "fs_type": "xfs",
            "mount_check": 0,
            "mount_device_identifier": "uuid",
            "mount_options": "defaults",
            "mount_passno": 0,
            "mount_point": "/opt/test1",
            "name": "volume1",
            "raid_chunk_size": null,
            "raid_device_count": null,
            "raid_disks": [],
            "raid_level": null,
            "raid_metadata_version": null,
            "raid_spare_count": null,
            "size": "12g",
            "state": "present",
            "thin": false,
            "thin_pool_name": null,
            "thin_pool_size": null,
            "type": "lvm",
            "vdo_pool_size": "9g"

in verify-pool-member-vdo.yml:16

    - assert:
        that: "storage_test_vdo_status.stdout is not regex(storage_test_vdo_dedupe_re)"
        msg: "VDO deduplication is off but it should not"
      when: storage_test_vdo_volume.deduplication | bool


Comment 7 Jan 2022-10-12 16:35:06 UTC
Figured a way to use other lvm tool that is unaffected by VDO issue.


Comment 9 guazhang@redhat.com 2022-12-07 04:01:04 UTC

ansible-playbook -vv -i host tests_create_lvmvdo_then_remove_scsi_generated.ym

TASK [Clean up variable namespace] ****************************************************************************************************
task path: /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.storage/tests/verify-role-results.yml:53
ok: [localhost] => {"ansible_facts": {"storage_test_blkinfo": null, "storage_test_crypttab": null, "storage_test_fstab": null}, "changed": false}

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=485  changed=10   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=453  rescued=0    ignored=0   

[root@storageqe-69 tests]# 

test pass with the fixed pakcage

Comment 13 guazhang@redhat.com 2022-12-20 04:03:50 UTC
tets pass with fixed package.

Comment 16 errata-xmlrpc 2023-05-09 07:37:53 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory (rhel-system-roles bug fix and enhancement update), and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.