This is a tracking bug for Change: Shorter Shutdown Timer For more details, see: A downstream configuration change to reduce the systemd unit timeout from 2 minutes to 45 seconds and send SIGABRT to generate a core dump before SIGKILL. If you encounter a bug related to this Change, please do not comment here. Instead create a new bug and set it to block this bug.
Adding NEEDINFO to update proposal with changes approved by FESCo:
Change proposal is updated!
Today we reached the Code Complete (Testable) milestone on the F38 schedule: At this time, all F38 Changes should be complete enough to be testable. You can indicate this by setting this tracker to the MODIFIED status. If the Change is 100% code complete, you can set the tracker to ON_QA. If you need to defer this Change to F39, please NEEDINFO me. Changes that have not reached at least the MODIFIED status will be given to FESCo for evaluation of contingency plans.