Description of problem: 'openstack overcloud ceph spec' command fails during cephadm apply sec: FATAL | Apply spec | controller-0 | error={"changed": true, "cmd": ["podman", "run", "--rm", "--net=host", "--ipc=host", "--volume", "/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph:z", "--volume", "/home/ceph-admin/assimilate_ceph.conf:/home/assimilate_ceph.conf:z", "--volume", "/home/ceph-admin/specs/ceph_spec.yaml:/home/ceph_spec.yaml:z", "--entrypoint", "ceph", "undercloud-0.ctlplane.redhat.local:8787/rh-osbs/rhceph:5-359", "--fsid", "a31e89b4-6770-5ace-a27d-25c7a6ceca7f", "-c", "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf", "-k", "/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring", "orch", "apply", "--in-file", "/home/ceph_spec.yaml"], "delta": "0:00:04.483712", "end": "2023-02-01 09:42:00.286307", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 22, "start": "2023-02-01 09:41:55.802595", "stderr": "Error EINVAL: Host ceph-0 ( failed check(s): ['No time synchronization is active']", "stderr_lines": ["Error EINVAL: Host ceph-0 ( failed check(s): ['No time synchronization is active']"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): How reproducible: Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3. Actual results: Expected results: Additional info:
The FIV you mentioned "python3-tripleoclient-16.5.1-1.20230421001504.78730a3.el9ost.noarch" (same as doesn't have the ntp fix, We should use a compose with FIV "python-tripleoclient-16.5.1-1.20230505010953.534fe49.el9osttrunk"
Here is the latest compose 17.1-RHEL-9/RHOS-17.1-RHEL-9-20230517.n.1 which has the fix
I can confirm the "Fixed in" packages python-tripleoclient-16.5.1-1.20230505010953.534fe49.el9ost tripleo-ansible-3.3.1-1.20230506001021.b6d4b94.el9ost provide the --ntp-server parameter which set up correctly passed the deployment stage. I am not sure whether the feature really delivers working time synchronization between nodes, that would require deeper checking with more context.
Since the problem described in this bug report should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For information on the advisory (Release of components for Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 (Wallaby)), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below. If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.