+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #2114066 +++ Description of problem (please be detailed as possible and provide log snippets): resolve quotes issue in the annotation Version of all relevant components (if applicable): Does this issue impact your ability to continue to work with the product (please explain in detail what is the user impact)? Is there any workaround available to the best of your knowledge? Rate from 1 - 5 the complexity of the scenario you performed that caused this bug (1 - very simple, 5 - very complex)? Can this issue reproducible? Can this issue reproduce from the UI? If this is a regression, please provide more details to justify this: Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3. Actual results: Expected results: Additional info: --- Additional comment from RHEL Program Management on 2022-08-02 18:24:55 CEST --- This bug having no release flag set previously, is now set with release flag 'odf‑4.11.0' to '?', and so is being proposed to be fixed at the ODF 4.11.0 release. Note that the 3 Acks (pm_ack, devel_ack, qa_ack), if any previously set while release flag was missing, have now been reset since the Acks are to be set against a release flag. --- Additional comment from RHEL Program Management on 2022-08-02 18:24:55 CEST --- Since this bug has severity set to 'urgent', it is being proposed as a blocker for the currently set release flag. Please resolve ASAP. --- Additional comment from RHEL Program Management on 2022-08-02 18:28:25 CEST --- This BZ is being approved for ODF 4.11.0 release, upon receipt of the 3 ACKs (PM,Devel,QA) for the release flag 'odf‑4.11.0 --- Additional comment from RHEL Program Management on 2022-08-02 18:28:25 CEST --- Since this bug has been approved for ODF 4.11.0 release, through release flag 'odf-4.11.0+', the Target Release is being set to 'ODF 4.11.0 --- Additional comment from Martin Bukatovic on 2022-08-04 11:34:21 CEST --- Asking Boris to provide verification steps and results, since he provided QA ack. I would not have provided QA ack without this information, and as such won't test this bug. --- Additional comment from Nitin Goyal on 2022-08-04 11:48:18 CEST --- Hello Martin, Actually we are not required to test anything, There was a CVP failure which was complaining about it. We just need to make sure that all CVP jobs are passed. --- Additional comment from Boris Ranto on 2022-08-04 11:53:47 CEST --- Yep, you just need to check the Greenwave CVP results in errata, all builds pass, now. Moving to verified. --- Additional comment from Red Hat Bugzilla on 2023-01-01 00:28:58 CET --- remove performed by PnT Account Manager <pnt-expunge> --- Additional comment from Red Hat Bugzilla on 2023-01-16 09:27:39 CET --- Account disabled by LDAP Audit
All CVP Jobs have passed thus moving this to verified!
Since the problem described in this bug report should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For information on the advisory (Moderate: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.10.14 security and bug fix update), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below. If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report. https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2023:4241