Spec URL: https://qulogic.fedorapeople.org/reviews/python-asv-runner/python-asv-runner.spec SRPM URL: https://qulogic.fedorapeople.org/reviews/python-asv-runner/python-asv-runner-0.0.9-1.fc38.src.rpm Description: ASV Runner provides essential functionality for benchmarking Python packages with ease and efficiency. Key Features: * Benchmark Classes: ASV Runner includes the core benchmark classes for asv that enable accurate measurement of performance metrics such as runtime, memory consumption, and peak memory usage. * Minimal Dependencies: ASV Runner has minimal dependencies, relying primarily on pure Python for timing operations. * Flexible Integration: ASV Runner is a core component of ASV, enabling comprehensive benchmarking of Python packages throughout their development lifecycle. ASV runner is a powerful framework for leveraging asv’s rich plugin ecosystem. Koji scratch build: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=105049078
Copr build: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/build/6321209 (succeeded) Review template: https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/@fedora-review/fedora-review-2232988-python-asv-runner/fedora-rawhide-x86_64/06321209-python-asv-runner/fedora-review/review.txt Please take a look if any issues were found. --- This comment was created by the fedora-review-service https://github.com/FrostyX/fedora-review-service If you want to trigger a new Copr build, add a comment containing new Spec and SRPM URLs or [fedora-review-service-build] string.
Look into updating to the new version 0.1.0 RPM build warnings: File listed twice: /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/asv_runner-0.0.9.dist-info/licenses/LICENSE.md I believe is cause the by the %license python-asv-runner.spec:69: W: macro-in-%changelog %{autochangelog} should change to %autochangelog If you have interest, could you review one of my packages ? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2255748