Bug 2237384 - int32 parameter not sign-extended in the UNO bridge
Summary: int32 parameter not sign-extended in the UNO bridge
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: libreoffice
Version: 38
Hardware: ppc64le
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Dan Horák
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2023-09-05 08:10 UTC by Dan Horák
Modified: 2023-09-12 12:55 UTC (History)
17 users (show)

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Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
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Last Closed: 2023-09-12 12:55:29 UTC
Type: ---

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Description Dan Horák 2023-09-05 08:10:39 UTC
This has been discovered when analysing the test failures (CppunitTest_sc_addin_functions_test, specifically the DEC2BIN() check) in LibreOffice builds. Which is a huge codebase, thus there is no minimal reproducer (yet).

It involves https://git.libreoffice.org/core/+/refs/heads/master/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.cxx#711

OUString SAL_CALL AnalysisAddIn::getDec2Bin( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& xOpt, sal_Int32 nNum, const uno::Any& rPlaces )
    printf("getDec2Bin: nNum=%i\n", nNum);
    sal_Int32 nPlaces = 0;
    bool bUsePlaces = aAnyConv.getInt32( nPlaces, xOpt, rPlaces );
    return ConvertFromDec( nNum, SCA_MIN2, SCA_MAX2, 2, nPlaces, SCA_MAXPLACES, bUsePlaces );

and https://git.libreoffice.org/core/+/refs/heads/master/scaddins/source/analysis/analysishelper.cxx#691

OUString ConvertFromDec( double fNum, double fMin, double fMax, sal_uInt16 nBase,
    sal_Int32 nPlaces, sal_Int32 nMaxPlaces, bool bUsePlaces )
    printf("ConvertFromDec: fNum=%lf fMin=%lf fMax=%lf nBase=%d nPlaces=%d nMaxPlaces=%d nUsePlaces=%c\n", fNum, fMin, fMax, nBase, nPlaces, nMaxPlaces, bUsePlaces ? 'Y' : 'N');

    fNum = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( fNum );
    fMin = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( fMin );
    fMax = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( fMax );

    if( fNum < fMin || fNum > fMax || ( bUsePlaces && ( nPlaces <= 0 || nPlaces > nMaxPlaces ) ) )
        throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();

    sal_Int64 nNum = static_cast< sal_Int64 >( fNum );
    printf("ConvertFromDec: nNum=%ld \n", nNum);
    bool      bNeg = nNum < 0;
    if( bNeg )
        nNum = sal_Int64( pow( double( nBase ), double( nMaxPlaces ) ) ) + nNum;

    OUString aRet(OUString::number(nNum, nBase).toAsciiUpperCase());

    if( bUsePlaces )
        sal_Int32 nLen = aRet.getLength();
        if( !bNeg && nLen > nPlaces )
            throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
        else if( ( bNeg && nLen < nMaxPlaces ) || ( !bNeg && nLen < nPlaces ) )
            sal_Int32   nLeft = nPlaces - nLen;
            std::unique_ptr<char[]> p( new char[ nLeft + 1 ] );
            memset( p.get(), bNeg ? GetMaxChar( nBase ) : '0', nLeft );
            p[ nLeft ] = 0x00;
            aRet = OUString( p.get(), nLeft, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 ) + aRet;

    return aRet;

The printf()s are mine and the output is following

getDec2Bin: nNum=9
ConvertFromDec: fNum=9.000000 fMin=-512.000000 fMax=511.000000 nBase=2 nPlaces=4 nMaxPlaces=10 nUsePlaces=Y
ConvertFromDec: nNum=9 
getDec2Bin: nNum=-100
ConvertFromDec: fNum=4294967196.000000 fMin=-512.000000 fMax=511.000000 nBase=2 nPlaces=0 nMaxPlaces=10 nUsePlaces=N

As you can see, when nNum is negative, it is not sign-extended (int32->int64) before passed to ConvertFromDec(). Disassembly of getDec2Bin() confirms that (see bellow my gdb session), mtfprd expects a 64-bit value in r6, but only the lower 32 bits are valid. As a result we get 2^32-100 as a positive 64-bit value.

getDec2Bin: nNum=9
ConvertFromDec: fNum=9.000000 fMin=-512.000000 fMax=511.000000 nBase=2 nPlaces=8 nMaxPlaces=10 nUsePlaces=Y
ConvertFromDec: nNum=9 

Thread 1 "cppunittester" hit Breakpoint 2, 0x00007fffd75c2508 in AnalysisAddIn::getDec2Bin (this=0x11111da0, xOpt=uno::Reference to (ScModelObj *) 0x10f69750, nNum=9, 
    rPlaces=uno::Any("double": 4)) at /home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.cxx:713
713	{
getDec2Bin: nNum=9
ConvertFromDec: fNum=9.000000 fMin=-512.000000 fMax=511.000000 nBase=2 nPlaces=4 nMaxPlaces=10 nUsePlaces=Y
ConvertFromDec: nNum=9 

Thread 1 "cppunittester" hit Breakpoint 2, 0x00007fffd75c2508 in AnalysisAddIn::getDec2Bin (this=0x11111da0, xOpt=uno::Reference to (ScModelObj *) 0x10f69750, nNum=-100, 
    rPlaces=uno::Any(void)) at /home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.cxx:713
713	{
(gdb) disass
Dump of assembler code for function _ZN13AnalysisAddIn10getDec2BinERKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS2_5beans12XPropertySetEEEiRKNS3_3AnyE:
   0x00007fffd75c2500 <+0>:	addis   r2,r12,7
   0x00007fffd75c2504 <+4>:	addi    r2,r2,23040
=> 0x00007fffd75c2508 <+8>:	mflr    r0
   0x00007fffd75c250c <+12>:	stfd    f31,-8(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c2510 <+16>:	std     r28,-40(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c2514 <+20>:	mtfprd  f31,r6
   0x00007fffd75c2518 <+24>:	mr      r28,r7
   0x00007fffd75c251c <+28>:	std     r29,-32(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c2520 <+32>:	std     r30,-24(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c2524 <+36>:	mr      r30,r4
   0x00007fffd75c2528 <+40>:	mr      r4,r6
   0x00007fffd75c252c <+44>:	std     r31,-16(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c2530 <+48>:	mr      r31,r3
   0x00007fffd75c2534 <+52>:	addis   r3,r2,-3
   0x00007fffd75c2538 <+56>:	addi    r3,r3,-32512
   0x00007fffd75c253c <+60>:	mr      r29,r5
   0x00007fffd75c2540 <+64>:	std     r0,16(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c2544 <+68>:	stdu    r1,-160(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c2548 <+72>:	ld      r9,-28688(r13)
   0x00007fffd75c254c <+76>:	std     r9,104(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c2550 <+80>:	li      r9,0
   0x00007fffd75c2554 <+84>:	bl      0x7fffd75c0980 <000000a7.plt_call.__printfieee128@@GLIBC_2.32>
   0x00007fffd75c2558 <+88>:	ld      r2,24(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c255c <+92>:	li      r9,0
   0x00007fffd75c2560 <+96>:	mr      r6,r28
   0x00007fffd75c2564 <+100>:	mr      r5,r29
   0x00007fffd75c2568 <+104>:	addi    r4,r1,100
   0x00007fffd75c256c <+108>:	stw     r9,100(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c2570 <+112>:	addi    r3,r30,192
   0x00007fffd75c2574 <+116>:	bl      0x7fffd75ea9e8 <_ZN3sca8analysis15ScaAnyConverter8getInt32ERiRKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS5_5beans12XPropertySetEEERKNS6_3AnyE+8>
   0x00007fffd75c2578 <+120>:	nop
   0x00007fffd75c257c <+124>:	addis   r8,r2,-3
   0x00007fffd75c2580 <+128>:	li      r9,10
   0x00007fffd75c2584 <+132>:	li      r7,2
   0x00007fffd75c2588 <+136>:	fcfid   f1,f31
   0x00007fffd75c258c <+140>:	lfd     f3,-23480(r8)
   0x00007fffd75c2590 <+144>:	addis   r8,r2,-3
   0x00007fffd75c2594 <+148>:	mr      r10,r3
   0x00007fffd75c2598 <+152>:	mr      r3,r31
   0x00007fffd75c259c <+156>:	lfd     f2,-23472(r8)
   0x00007fffd75c25a0 <+160>:	lwa     r8,100(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c25a4 <+164>:	bl      0x7fffd75eac08 <_ZN3sca8analysis14ConvertFromDecEdddtiib+8>
   0x00007fffd75c25a8 <+168>:	nop
   0x00007fffd75c25ac <+172>:	ld      r10,104(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c25b0 <+176>:	ld      r9,-28688(r13)
   0x00007fffd75c25b4 <+180>:	xor.    r10,r10,r9
   0x00007fffd75c25b8 <+184>:	li      r9,0
   0x00007fffd75c25bc <+188>:	bne     0x7fffd75c25e8 <_ZN13AnalysisAddIn10getDec2BinERKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS2_5beans12XPropertySetEEEiRKNS3_3AnyE+232>
   0x00007fffd75c25c0 <+192>:	addi    r1,r1,160
   0x00007fffd75c25c4 <+196>:	mr      r3,r31
   0x00007fffd75c25c8 <+200>:	ld      r0,16(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c25cc <+204>:	lfd     f31,-8(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c25d0 <+208>:	ld      r28,-40(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c25d4 <+212>:	ld      r29,-32(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c25d8 <+216>:	ld      r30,-24(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c25dc <+220>:	ld      r31,-16(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c25e0 <+224>:	mtlr    r0
   0x00007fffd75c25e4 <+228>:	blr
   0x00007fffd75c25e8 <+232>:	bl      0x7fffd75c0220 <000000a7.plt_call.__stack_chk_fail@@GLIBC_2.17>
   0x00007fffd75c25ec <+236>:	ld      r2,24(r1)
   0x00007fffd75c25f0 <+240>:	.long 0x0
   0x00007fffd75c25f4 <+244>:	.long 0x1020900
   0x00007fffd75c25f8 <+248>:	.long 0x481
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) n
714	    printf("getDec2Bin: nNum=%i\n", nNum);
getDec2Bin: nNum=-100
715	    sal_Int32 nPlaces = 0;
716	    bool bUsePlaces = aAnyConv.getInt32( nPlaces, xOpt, rPlaces );
717	    return ConvertFromDec( nNum, SCA_MIN2, SCA_MAX2, 2, nPlaces, SCA_MAXPLACES, bUsePlaces );
(gdb) info all-registers 
r0             0x7fffd75c2578      140736806528376
r1             0x7fffffff2940      140737488300352
r2             0x7fffd7637f00      140736807010048
r3             0x0                 0
r4             0x7fffffff28f8      140737488300280
r5             0x7fffffff2b20      140737488300832
r6             0x8                 8
r7             0x2                 2
r8             0x7fffd7607f00      140736806813440
r9             0xa                 10
r10            0x0                 0
r11            0x4000              16384
r12            0x7ffff7399d80      140737341136256
r13            0x7ffff7ffdea0      140737354129056
r14            0x1011e080          269607040
r15            0x3                 3
r16            0x114a2c98          290073752
r17            0x7fffd74c2ed0      140736805482192
r18            0x114a3760          290076512
r19            0x7fffffff31f0      140737488302576
r20            0x7fffffff31d0      140737488302544
r21            0x0                 0
r22            0x3                 3
r23            0x7fffffff2ef0      140737488301808
r24            0x1114b480          286569600
r25            0x114a2cb0          290073776
r26            0x3                 3
r27            0x111223a0          286401440
r28            0x7fffffff2b20      140737488300832
r29            0x7fffffff2b40      140737488300864
r30            0x11111da0          286334368
r31            0x7fffffff2f20      140737488301856
f0             0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f1             4294967196          (raw 0x41effffff3800000)
f2             6.9533558051702119e-310 (raw 0x00007fffffff2d50)
f3             511                 (raw 0x407ff00000000000)
f4             1.4332241230514119e-315 (raw 0x00000000114a6370)
f5             6.9533247401022234e-310 (raw 0x00007fffda850008)
f6             6.9533489380300625e-310 (raw 0x00007ffff7b65200)
f7             6.9533487140708958e-310 (raw 0x00007ffff7712708)
f8             -1.5656907205677511e+206 (raw 0xeabf3609f29d4900)
f9             6.9533558051749549e-310 (raw 0x00007fffffff2db0)
f10            6.9533558050848373e-310 (raw 0x00007fffffff2690)
f11            1.3320357634094679e-315 (raw 0x000000001011e080)
f12            2147483648          (raw 0x41e0000000000000)
f13            1.4158419450246769e-315 (raw 0x000000001114b480)
f14            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f15            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f16            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f17            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f18            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f19            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f20            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f21            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f22            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f23            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f24            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f25            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f26            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f27            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f28            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f29            0                   (raw 0x0000000000000000)
f30            0.067000000000000004 (raw 0x3fb126e978d4fdf4)
f31            2.1219957415587077e-314 (raw 0x00000000ffffff9c)
pc             0x7fffd75c2598      0x7fffd75c2598 <AnalysisAddIn::getDec2Bin(com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> const&, int, com::sun::star::uno::Any const&)+152>
msr            0x900000004000d033  10376293542535417907
cr             0x24444842          608454722
lr             0x7fffd75c2578      0x7fffd75c2578 <AnalysisAddIn::getDec2Bin(com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> const&, int, com::sun::star::uno::Any const&)+120>
ctr            0x7ffff7399d80      140737341136256
xer            0x4                 4
fpscr          0x82004000          2181054464

For compiler options used, see bellow
[CXX] scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.cxx
S=/home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice && I=$S/instdir && W=$S/workdir &&  mkdir -p $W/CxxObject/scaddins/source/analysis/ $W/Dep/CxxObject/scaddins/source/analysis/ && cd /home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice &&   	  g++ -DBOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY -DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED -DCPPU_ENV=gcc3 -DLINUX -DNDEBUG -DOSL_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DPOWERPC64 -DPPC -DUNIX -DUNX -D_PTHREADS -D_REENTRANT   -fvisibility=hidden    -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -Wendif-labels -Wextra -Wundef -Wunreachable-code -Wshadow -Wunused-macros  -finput-charset=UTF-8 -fmessage-length=0 -fno-common -pipe -fstack-protector-strong  -Wdeprecated-copy-dtor -Wduplicated-cond -Wlogical-op -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wunused-const-variable=1 -Wno-cast-function-type -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fPIC -Wshadow -Woverloaded-virtual -std=c++17 -pthread  -O2 -ggdb2  -fexceptions -fno-enforce-eh-specs    -DLIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY  -c $S/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.cxx -o $W/CxxObject/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.o -MMD -MT $W/CxxObject/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.o -MP -MF $W/Dep/CxxObject/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.d_ -I$S/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk- -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk- -I$S/config_host  -I$S/scaddins/inc  -I/usr/include  -I$W/UnoApiHeadersTarget/offapi/comprehensive -I$W/UnoApiHeadersTarget/scaddins/comprehensive -I$W/UnoApiHeadersTarget/udkapi/comprehensive  && mv $W/Dep/CxxObject/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.d_ $W/Dep/CxxObject/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.d 

And this is with gcc-13.2.1-1.fc38.ppc64le

Reproducible: Always

The CppunitTest_sc_addin_functions_test fails also on aarch64 and s390x, so it might not be ppc64le specific issue, but I haven't got to the details on the other platforms yet.

Comment 1 Jakub Jelinek 2023-09-05 09:40:46 UTC
Just a wild guess, the PowerPC64 ELFv2 ABI says that integral arguments shorter than doubleword (aka 64-bit) should be passed sign or zero extended to 64-bit.
So, if one has
void bar (double);

foo (int a)
  bar (a);

which I think roughly matches what getDec2Bin -> ConvertFromDec does, GCC will not perform any sign-extension because the argument is required by the psABI
to be already sign-extended and will just use fcfid to convert that to double.
Now, if whatever calls foo in this shorter testcase or GetDec2Bin in LibreOffice case actually for whatever reason doesn't sign-extend the argument, then
such behavior would be expected.  Unfortunately the info regs you've shown doesn't contain any GPR with the -100 value, sign or zero extended nor with garbage in upper bits, only f31 at that point
zero extended.  Could you print $r4 at the very beginning of GetDec2Bin?

Comment 2 Jakub Jelinek 2023-09-05 09:42:37 UTC
Compare that to x86-64, where the psABI doesn't say anything about the upper 32 bits of int arguments passed in GPRs, so there the compiler has to sign-extend in GetDec2Bin before converting to double.

Comment 3 Dan Horák 2023-09-05 09:47:22 UTC
for the record, this is really ppc64le specific, after rechecking on s390x and aarch64 they both passed the test, although they had a problem with the test in the past

Comment 4 Dan Horák 2023-09-05 09:58:20 UTC
yes, the previous regs were printed before calling ConvertFromDec(), but there is -100 in r6 when entering getDec2Bin()

getDec2Bin: nNum=9
ConvertFromDec: fNum=9.000000 fMin=-512.000000 fMax=511.000000 nBase=2 nPlaces=4 nMaxPlaces=10 nUsePlaces=Y
ConvertFromDec: nNum=9 

Thread 1 "cppunittester" hit Breakpoint 1, 0x00007fffd75c2508 in AnalysisAddIn::getDec2Bin (this=0x11111bb0, xOpt=uno::Reference to (ScModelObj *) 0x10f69560, nNum=-100, 
    rPlaces=uno::Any(void)) at /home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.cxx:713
713	{

(gdb) info registers 
r0             0x7fffffff2d10      140737488301328
r1             0x7fffffff2990      140737488300432
r2             0x7fffd7637f00      140736807010048
r3             0x7fffffff2ed0      140737488301776
r4             0x11111bb0          286333872
r5             0x7fffffff2af0      140737488300784
r6             0xffffff9c          4294967196
r7             0x7fffffff2ad0      140737488300752
r8             0x7fffda887f00      140736859766528
r9             0x7fffffff2d10      140737488301328
r10            0x11118110          286359824
r11            0x7fffd75c2600      140736806528512
r12            0x7fffd75c2600      140736806528512
r13            0x7ffff7ffdea0      140737354129056
r14            0x1011e080          269607040
r15            0x3                 3
r16            0x114a69b8          290089400
r17            0x7fffd74c2ed0      140736805482192
r18            0x112b1ea0          288038560
r19            0x7fffffff31a0      140737488302496
r20            0x7fffffff3180      140737488302464
r21            0x0                 0
r22            0x3                 3
r23            0x7fffffff2ea0      140737488301728
r24            0x1114b290          286569104
r25            0x114a69d0          290089424
r26            0x3                 3
r27            0x111221b0          286400944
r28            0x1011da20          269605408
r29            0x7fffffff2e60      140737488301664
r30            0x7fffffff2ad0      140737488300752
r31            0x7fffffff2990      140737488300432
pc             0x7fffd75c2508      0x7fffd75c2508 <AnalysisAddIn::getDec2Bin(com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> const&, int, com::sun::star::uno::Any const&)+8>
msr            0x900000000002d033  10376293541461807155
cr             0x88444880          2286176384
lr             0x7fffda848b4c      0x7fffda848b4c <(anonymous namespace)::callVirtualMethod(void*, sal_uInt32, void*, typelib_TypeDescription*, sal_uInt64*, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt64*, sal_uInt32, double*, sal_uInt32)+480>
ctr            0x7fffd75c2600      140736806528512
xer            0x4                 4
fpscr          0x82000000          2181038080
vscr           0x0                 0

Comment 5 Jakub Jelinek 2023-09-05 10:02:21 UTC
And 0xffffff9c is zero-extended -100 rather than sign-extended.  So, next question is what are the callers (bt) and why it happened.  Could be using incorrect prototype somewhere (with unsigned argument rather than signed, or say 64-bit signed or unsigned), some assembly layer, or gcc bug (or whatever compiled that caller).

Comment 6 Dan Horák 2023-09-05 10:18:53 UTC
If I read the ABI specs (https://files.openpower.foundation/s/cfA2oFPXbbZwEBK) right, then it requires sign/zero extension for parameters passed in memory (parameter save area) and for the return value passed in register. But I will look also further in the LO code.

Comment 7 Dan Horák 2023-09-05 10:25:06 UTC
But there might be an ABI issue in LO itself as well, because they do some "weird" stuff using a "bridge"

(gdb) where
#0  0x00007fffd75c2508 in AnalysisAddIn::getDec2Bin(com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> const&, int, com::sun::star::uno::Any const&)
    (this=0x11111bb0, xOpt=uno::Reference to (ScModelObj *) 0x10f69560, nNum=-100, rPlaces=uno::Any(void)) at /home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.cxx:713
#1  0x00007fffda848b4c in (anonymous namespace)::callVirtualMethod(void*, sal_uInt32, void*, typelib_TypeDescription*, sal_uInt64*, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt64*, sal_uInt32, double*, sal_uInt32)
    (pThis=0x11111c10, nVtableIndex=29, pRegisterReturn=0x7fffffff2ed0, pReturnTypeDescr=0x1011dab0, pStack=0x7fffffff2b50, nStack=0, pGPR=0x7fffffff2cb0, nGPR=5, pFPR=0x7fffffff2cf0, nFPR=0) at /home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_powerpc64/uno2cpp.cxx:218
#2  0x00007fffda8496c0 in (anonymous namespace)::cpp_call(bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy*, bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableSlot, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference*, sal_Int32, typelib_MethodParameter*, void*, void**, uno_Any**)
    (pThis=0x112b1ea0, aVtableSlot=..., pReturnTypeRef=0x1011dab0, nParams=3, pParams=0x11122160, pUnoReturn=0x7fffffff2ed0, pUnoArgs=0x7fffffff2ea0, ppUnoExc=0x7fffffff2f70)
    at /home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_powerpc64/uno2cpp.cxx:464
#3  0x00007fffda84a250 in bridges::cpp_uno::shared::unoInterfaceProxyDispatch(uno_Interface*, typelib_TypeDescription const*, void*, void**, uno_Any**)
    (pUnoI=0x112b1ea0, pMemberDescr=0x11122080, pReturn=0x7fffffff2ed0, pArgs=0x7fffffff2ea0, ppException=0x7fffffff2f70)
    at /home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_powerpc64/uno2cpp.cxx:638
#4  0x00007fffd74e62b0 in stoc_corefl::(anonymous namespace)::IdlInterfaceMethodImpl::invoke(com::sun::star::uno::Any const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::uno::Any>&)
    (this=0x1114b290, rObj=uno::Any("com.sun.star.sheet.XAddIn": ...), rArgs=<optimized out>) at /home/sharkcz/projects/libreoffice/stoc/source/corereflection/criface.cxx:590

Comment 9 Jakub Jelinek 2023-09-05 12:25:28 UTC
So, for ABIs which require sign extension of signed char, signed short, signed int arguments to wordsize, it needs to differentiate between e.g. INSERT_INT32 (which does always zero extend) and something different which will sign extend.
typelib_TypeClass_LONG vs. typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG, similarly for SHORT.  Dunno whether others are signed or unsigned (e.g. enum could very well be signed in some cases and unsigned in others).

Comment 10 Dan Horák 2023-09-05 12:32:41 UTC
I believe you are right. If I understand it right, then gcc omits the sign/zero-extension step as part of optimizations, because with "-O0" it is present when preparing the args (checked both with the simple test case from comment #1 and with the actual getDec2Bin()). So it's a LibreOffice ABI compliance issue :-)

Comment 11 Jakub Jelinek 2023-09-05 12:38:05 UTC
E.g. look how gcc3_linux_aarch64/uno2cpp.cxx differentiates the sign vs. unsigned cases.  typelib_TypeClass_BYTE is treated there as signed, and ENUM as well.
Or gcc3_linux_riscv64/uno2cpp.cxx, though there it has INSERT_INT16 vs. INSERT_UINT16 macros but just INSERT_INT32.  Or gcc3_linux_mips64 from which probably risv64
copied it; note, no idea about what those ABIs require.  One can have a look e.g. at libffi sources...

Comment 12 Jakub Jelinek 2023-09-05 12:40:25 UTC
Sure, the compiler is not required to avoid the extension, it is purely an optimization on the callee side on arches which require sign or zero extension; but it is a requirement on the caller side.
On arches which have the upper bits undefined, whether caller extends or not is purely an optimization choice and extension on the callee side is required if the argument is then cast to wider integer type etc.

Comment 13 Dan Horák 2023-09-05 12:42:46 UTC
(In reply to Jakub Jelinek from comment #11)
> E.g. look how gcc3_linux_aarch64/uno2cpp.cxx differentiates the sign vs.
> unsigned cases.  typelib_TypeClass_BYTE is treated there as signed, and ENUM
> as well.

seems you are just a little step ahead of me, I have just found gcc3_linux_aarch64/uno2cpp.cxx as a possible good example as well :-)

> Or gcc3_linux_riscv64/uno2cpp.cxx, though there it has INSERT_INT16 vs.
> INSERT_UINT16 macros but just INSERT_INT32.  Or gcc3_linux_mips64 from which
> probably risv64
> copied it; note, no idea about what those ABIs require.  One can have a look
> e.g. at libffi sources...

Comment 14 Jakub Jelinek 2023-09-05 12:47:52 UTC
Up to you/LibreOffice upstream, but I think the INSERT_INTNN vs. INSERT_UINTNN differentiation (but you'll need one also for 32 and 8) looks nicer to me for the way this bridge is written.
But aarch64 can help understand which case is which.

Comment 15 Dan Horák 2023-09-05 12:52:07 UTC
(In reply to Jakub Jelinek from comment #14)
> Up to you/LibreOffice upstream, but I think the INSERT_INTNN vs.
> INSERT_UINTNN differentiation (but you'll need one also for 32 and 8) looks
> nicer to me for the way this bridge is written.
> But aarch64 can help understand which case is which.


moving the bug to LO from gcc ...

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