Bug 2263468 - Manual Deletion of storageconsumer deletes the storageclassrequests but not the underlying pool and subvolumegroup(due to volumes present under them)
Summary: Manual Deletion of storageconsumer deletes the storageclassrequests but not t...
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation
Classification: Red Hat Storage
Component: ocs-operator
Version: 4.15
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: ODF 4.16.0
Assignee: Leela Venkaiah Gangavarapu
QA Contact: Jilju Joy
Whiteboard: isf-provider
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2024-02-09 06:20 UTC by Neha Berry
Modified: 2024-07-17 13:13 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

Fixed In Version: 4.16.0-84
Doc Type: No Doc Update
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2024-07-17 13:13:46 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Github red-hat-storage ocs-client-operator pull 146 0 None Merged api: remove storageclassclaim api & migration controller 2024-04-23 03:30:20 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2024:4591 0 None None None 2024-07-17 13:13:51 UTC

Description Neha Berry 2024-02-09 06:20:41 UTC
Description of problem (please be detailed as possible and provide log
On a provider client setup, deleted an entire HCP cluster (which had ocs-storageclient operator installed along with multiple RBD and CephFS PVCs and PODS).

The deletion of the HCP cluster succeeded, however as expected, due to ungraceful deletion of ocs-storageclient operator, following resources were leftover on the provider side for that particular HCP cluster_ID : bd97ae8e-57e8-4082-9f4a-889f7f464788

1. Storageconsumer
2. Storageclassrequests
3. Cephclients
4. Cephblockpool
5. cephFilesystemsubvolumegroup

As per the suggested steps, I deleted the storage consumer manually @Thu Feb  8 15:38:40 UTC 2024

# oc delete storageconsumer -n openshift-storage storageconsumer-
storageconsumer.ocs.openshift.io "storageconsumer-bd97ae8e-57e8-4082-9f4a-889f7f464788" deleted
Post this step, following resources for  cluster_ID bd97ae8e-57e8-4082-9f4a-889f7f464788 were deleted
1. Storageconsumer
2. Storageclassrequests
3. Cephclients

However the following resources remained on the provider side and in the ceph backend

4. Cephblockpool
5. cephFilesystemsubvolumegroup

NAMESPACE           NAME                                                                                         PHASE
openshift-storage   cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-71eea242-935a-49f5-be03-084d2843a95e-3af5665d   Ready
openshift-storage   cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-a696155d-fc47-49a1-8cee-a4462cc21e88-bfc15763   Ready

>>openshift-storage   cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-bd97ae8e-57e8-4082-9f4a-889f7f464788-5341db75   Ready

openshift-storage   cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-f0ee5b2a-e786-44e4-b299-3344d5fb7941-f7f9b3e5   Ready
NAMESPACE           NAME                                                                          PHASE
openshift-storage   cephblockpool-storageconsumer-71eea242-935a-49f5-be03-084d2843a95e-78f6850c   Ready
openshift-storage   cephblockpool-storageconsumer-a696155d-fc47-49a1-8cee-a4462cc21e88-6fbcf432   Ready
>> openshift-storage   cephblockpool-storageconsumer-bd97ae8e-57e8-4082-9f4a-889f7f464788-3c7b4b5a   Ready
openshift-storage   cephblockpool-storageconsumer-f0ee5b2a-e786-44e4-b299-3344d5fb7941-530a656d   Ready

Version of all relevant components (if applicable):
ODF 4.15 and needs to be back ported to 4.14.5 and above

Does this issue impact your ability to continue to work with the product
(please explain in detail what is the user impact)?
No. We do have a WA but for that customer needs provider access

Is there any workaround available to the best of your knowledge?

Delete the subvolumegroup and Blackpool resource manually after cleaning up the sub volumes and rbd volumes manually from the ceph side

Rate from 1 - 5 the complexity of the scenario you performed that caused this
bug (1 - very simple, 5 - very complex)?

Can this issue reproducible?

Can this issue reproduce from the UI?

If this is a regression, please provide more details to justify this:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a provider/client configuration following the docs [1] and [2]
2. Install the ocs-client-operator from the CLI [yaml at [3] as it is not listed under the Operator Hub 
3. Check for the operator listed in the client namespace we create or even under all-namespaces
4. Create PVCs of both cephFS and RBD within the HCP client which we plan to delete
5. Delete the HCP server from UI
Hosting cluster-> All Clusters-> Select the HCP cluster (here hcp414-cc) -> Actions-> Delete
6. Wait for few minutes for deletion to complete

[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uVjzJQFv_t1Fymb-hgMhNd6pve8fkbrxp1TadU5wv9I/edit?pli=1

[2] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RfDNQi4B3x4kv9PXx2lqGSD2V2UGideTCIXqLYJFg0Y/edit?pli=1#heading=h.bebinah79b8e


1. The hcp cluster is deleted 
2. Resources are left behind at the provider side due to non-graceful uninstall
3. Deleted the storageconsumer
 > storageclassrequests and cephclients are automatically deleted for that cluster ID

Actual results:
The cephblockpool and subvolumegroup are not deleted even on deletion of storageclassrequests and currently in presence of volumes within them, rook doesn’t delete them

OUTPUTS ADDED HERE https://ibm.ent.box.com/notes/1439310719724
Expected results:
As per discussion here [3] and [4], we need to add this functionality to delete the 

[3] https://ibm-systems-storage.slack.com/archives/C05RJB6H0LQ/p1707407485799189

[4] https://ibm-systems-storage.slack.com/archives/C05RJB6H0LQ/p1707407662255889

Additional info:

sh-5.1$ ceph fs subvolume ls ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem --group_name cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-bd97ae8e-57e8-4082-9f4a-889f7f464788-5341db75
        "name": "csi-vol-f70c949a-ba5a-4fbc-85ed-148a7fd58d1a"
        "name": "csi-vol-445e8941-67b1-4b3a-83c0-b74460ec1d09"
        "name": "csi-vol-85bfbf79-cfc4-465b-a718-f0a58a1259e2"
        "name": "csi-vol-3f06b704-31ef-4500-b0a5-60d698ed3d4f"
        "name": "csi-vol-7f1a7136-d584-45a5-a159-1c08c9b405bd"
        "name": "csi-vol-48b312ac-9ff1-4b09-8dd5-efd814d6663c"
        "name": "csi-vol-7199fecc-1430-431d-bdf5-063c15509a3f"
sh-5.1$ ceph fs subvolume ls ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem --group_name cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-bd97ae8e-57e8-4082-9f4a-889f7f464788-5341db75
        "name": "csi-vol-f70c949a-ba5a-4fbc-85ed-148a7fd58d1a"
        "name": "csi-vol-445e8941-67b1-4b3a-83c0-b74460ec1d09"
        "name": "csi-vol-85bfbf79-cfc4-465b-a718-f0a58a1259e2"
        "name": "csi-vol-3f06b704-31ef-4500-b0a5-60d698ed3d4f"
        "name": "csi-vol-7f1a7136-d584-45a5-a159-1c08c9b405bd"
        "name": "csi-vol-48b312ac-9ff1-4b09-8dd5-efd814d6663c"
        "name": "csi-vol-7199fecc-1430-431d-bdf5-063c15509a3f"
sh-5.1$ ceph fs  subvolumegroup ls  ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem
        "name": "cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-f0ee5b2a-e786-44e4-b299-3344d5fb7941-f7f9b3e5"
        "name": "cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-bd97ae8e-57e8-4082-9f4a-889f7f464788-5341db75"
        "name": "cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-71eea242-935a-49f5-be03-084d2843a95e-3af5665d"
        "name": "csi"
        "name": "cephfilesystemsubvolumegroup-storageconsumer-a696155d-fc47-49a1-8cee-a4462cc21e88-bfc15763"
sh-5.1$ rbd ls -p cephblockpool-storageconsumer-bd97ae8e-57e8-4082-9f4a-889f7f464788-3c7b4b5a

Comment 5 Rohan Gupta 2024-04-08 10:48:59 UTC
@Leela does this bug need to be a tracker bug?

Comment 6 Leela Venkaiah Gangavarapu 2024-04-12 06:48:10 UTC
yes, this can be a tracker.

Comment 11 Jilju Joy 2024-06-24 07:08:39 UTC
This is verified in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2280813#c6. The link have the bug verification steps and outcomes. Deletion of cephblockpoolradosnamespace is verified instead of cephblockpool because these is no cephblockpool per consumer now.
Verified in version:
OCP 4.16.0-ec.6
ODF 4.16.0-110

Comment 14 errata-xmlrpc 2024-07-17 13:13:46 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory (Important: Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.16.0 security, enhancement & bug fix update), and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.