Bug 2276084 - kernel headers using unuglified names of GNU attributes
Summary: kernel headers using unuglified names of GNU attributes
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: kernel-headers
Version: 40
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Justin M. Forbes
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
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Reported: 2024-04-19 16:50 UTC by Jakub Jelinek
Modified: 2024-04-29 16:35 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Type: ---

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Description Jakub Jelinek 2024-04-19 16:50:36 UTC
Some libstdc++-v3 tests in gcc fail because kernel-headers on s390x has in /usr/include/asm/types.h
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) __vector128;
FAIL: 17_intro/headers/c++1998/all_attributes.cc   (test for excess errors)
FAIL: 17_intro/headers/c++2011/all_attributes.cc   (test for excess errors)
FAIL: 17_intro/headers/c++2014/all_attributes.cc   (test for excess errors)
FAIL: 17_intro/headers/c++2017/all_attributes.cc   (test for excess errors)
FAIL: 17_intro/headers/c++2020/all_attributes.cc   (test for excess errors)
These tests attempt to verify that libstdc++ headers themselves never use __attribute__((packed)) etc., but __attribute__((__packed__)) etc., because the former are in the implementation namespace.
grep __attribute__ `rpm -ql kernel-headers` 2>/dev/null | grep -v '((__'
shows hundreds of hits (of course, in some headers it is far more important than in others, the more important ones are those typically included by glibc or libstdc++ headers directly or indirectly).
I think kernel folks don't really want to switch to using those __ prefixed and suffixed versions, could this be done by some sed/awk/python script done when preparing the headers for shipping as user asm/ and linux/ headers?

grep __attribute__ `rpm -ql kernel-headers` 2>/dev/null | grep -v '((__' | sed 's/^.*ttribute__[[:blank:]]*((//;s/))\([^)]*\|$\)//' | sort -u
aligned(4) packed_ulong;
aligned(4 * sizeof(__u64));
aligned(8) *config;
aligned(8) timestamp_ns;
aligned (__alignof__(struct ebt_replace));
packed, aligned(4);
packed, deprecated

shows that it is really just a couple of attributes and uglifying their names shouldn't be that hard inside of __attribute__(( ... )) arguments.

Reproducible: Always

Comment 1 Justin M. Forbes 2024-04-26 15:25:13 UTC
This sounds like something that should really be changed upstream.  If they are not willing, it would be worth having a discussion with at least RHEL, to make sure we have a single solution that works with everything.

Comment 2 Jakub Jelinek 2024-04-29 07:33:28 UTC
Sure, feel free to forward it there.  I wasn't where kernel-headers bugreporting goes to, if it acts as a separate project or is handled together with the kernel.
Because I doubt kernel itself wants to uglify all their attribute names.

Comment 3 Justin M. Forbes 2024-04-29 16:35:31 UTC
It is not a separate project, and comes directly from the kernel. The only reason that fedora builds it as a separate package is to get around the chicken/egg problem when things like perf define something new in headers, and then need to use that build. RHEL builds kernel-headers as a subpackage of kernel.  So if kernel is not interested, this needs to at least be a discussion with RHEL so make sure that both Fedora and RHEL are on the same page about it.

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