Bug 2317584 (CVE-2024-47660) - CVE-2024-47660 kernel: fsnotify: clear PARENT_WATCHED flags lazily
Summary: CVE-2024-47660 kernel: fsnotify: clear PARENT_WATCHED flags lazily
Status: NEW
Alias: CVE-2024-47660
Product: Security Response
Classification: Other
Component: vulnerability
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Product Security DevOps Team
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Depends On: 2317858
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2024-10-09 14:42 UTC by OSIDB Bzimport
Modified: 2024-10-14 07:31 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description OSIDB Bzimport 2024-10-09 14:42:19 UTC
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:

fsnotify: clear PARENT_WATCHED flags lazily

In some setups directories can have many (usually negative) dentries.
Hence __fsnotify_update_child_dentry_flags() function can take a
significant amount of time. Since the bulk of this function happens
under inode->i_lock this causes a significant contention on the lock
when we remove the watch from the directory as the
__fsnotify_update_child_dentry_flags() call from fsnotify_recalc_mask()
races with __fsnotify_update_child_dentry_flags() calls from
__fsnotify_parent() happening on children. This can lead upto softlockup
reports reported by users.

Fix the problem by calling fsnotify_update_children_dentry_flags() to
set PARENT_WATCHED flags only when parent starts watching children.

When parent stops watching children, clear false positive PARENT_WATCHED
flags lazily in __fsnotify_parent() for each accessed child.

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