Bug 2323841 (CVE-2023-52920) - CVE-2023-52920 kernel: bpf: support non-r10 register spill/fill to/from stack in precision tracking
Summary: CVE-2023-52920 kernel: bpf: support non-r10 register spill/fill to/from stack...
Status: NEW
Alias: CVE-2023-52920
Product: Security Response
Classification: Other
Component: vulnerability
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Product Security DevOps Team
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Reported: 2024-11-05 11:01 UTC by OSIDB Bzimport
Modified: 2024-11-05 12:05 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Description OSIDB Bzimport 2024-11-05 11:01:06 UTC
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:

bpf: support non-r10 register spill/fill to/from stack in precision tracking

Use instruction (jump) history to record instructions that performed
register spill/fill to/from stack, regardless if this was done through
read-only r10 register, or any other register after copying r10 into it
*and* potentially adjusting offset.

To make this work reliably, we push extra per-instruction flags into
instruction history, encoding stack slot index (spi) and stack frame
number in extra 10 bit flags we take away from prev_idx in instruction
history. We don't touch idx field for maximum performance, as it's
checked most frequently during backtracking.

This change removes basically the last remaining practical limitation of
precision backtracking logic in BPF verifier. It fixes known
deficiencies, but also opens up new opportunities to reduce number of
verified states, explored in the subsequent patches.

There are only three differences in selftests' BPF object files
according to veristat, all in the positive direction (less states).

File                                    Program        Insns (A)  Insns (B)  Insns  (DIFF)  States (A)  States (B)  States (DIFF)
--------------------------------------  -------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  ----------  ----------  -------------
test_cls_redirect_dynptr.bpf.linked3.o  cls_redirect        2987       2864  -123 (-4.12%)         240         231    -9 (-3.75%)
xdp_synproxy_kern.bpf.linked3.o         syncookie_tc       82848      82661  -187 (-0.23%)        5107        5073   -34 (-0.67%)
xdp_synproxy_kern.bpf.linked3.o         syncookie_xdp      85116      84964  -152 (-0.18%)        5162        5130   -32 (-0.62%)

Note, I avoided renaming jmp_history to more generic insn_hist to
minimize number of lines changed and potential merge conflicts between
bpf and bpf-next trees.

Notice also cur_hist_entry pointer reset to NULL at the beginning of
instruction verification loop. This pointer avoids the problem of
relying on last jump history entry's insn_idx to determine whether we
already have entry for current instruction or not. It can happen that we
added jump history entry because current instruction is_jmp_point(), but
also we need to add instruction flags for stack access. In this case, we
don't want to entries, so we need to reuse last added entry, if it is

Relying on insn_idx comparison has the same ambiguity problem as the one
that was fixed recently in [0], so we avoid that.

  [0] https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/netdevbpf/patch/20231110002638.4168352-3-andrii@kernel.org/

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