Bug 245777 - CVE-2007-3104 Null pointer to an inode in a dentry can cause an oops in sysfs_readdir [rhel-5.1.z]
Summary: CVE-2007-3104 Null pointer to an inode in a dentry can cause an oops in sysfs...
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Classification: Red Hat
Component: kernel
Version: 5.0
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
: ---
Assignee: Anton Arapov
QA Contact: Martin Jenner
Whiteboard: impact=moderate,source=bugzilla,repor...
Depends On: 243728
Blocks: CVE-2007-3104
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2007-06-26 17:24 UTC by Marcel Holtmann
Modified: 2014-06-18 08:00 UTC (History)
9 users (show)

Fixed In Version: RHSA-2008-0089
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2008-01-23 15:07:12 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2008:0089 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Important: kernel security and bug fix update 2008-01-23 15:07:09 UTC

Description Marcel Holtmann 2007-06-26 17:24:57 UTC
The root cause of this problem is not specifically that the inode pointer is
null, it's actually that a sysfs_dirent was "touched" by someone else while we
were working on behalf of it in sysfs_readdir(). At the time of the crash, the
s_dentry pointer in the sysfs_dirent struct has actually been zeroed. The code
specifically tests to ensure this cannot be the case before trying to walk the
s_dentry to the inode to the inode number.

PID: 6185   TASK: 10151a207f0       CPU: 1   COMMAND: "java"
#0 [1014d819c30] panic at ffffffff80137977
#1 [1014d819ce8] oops_end at ffffffff80111aec
#2 [1014d819d10] oops_end at ffffffff80111b07
#3 [1014d819d20] do_page_fault at ffffffff80124148
#4 [1014d819d60] dput at ffffffff8018f019
#5 [1014d819d80] link_path_walk at ffffffff80186dc0
#6 [1014d819e00] error_exit at ffffffff80110d91
    [exception RIP: sysfs_readdir+333]
    RIP: ffffffff801b3581  RSP: 000001014d819eb8  RFLAGS: 00010202
    RAX: 0000000000000000  RBX: 000001009fd406c8  RCX: 0000000000000003
    RDX: 000001009fd40688  RSI: ffffffff8033c9f6  RDI: ffffffff803245b3
    RBP: 000001009fd406c0   R8: 000000000ca8d3d4   R9: 0000000000000005
    R10: 0000002a95da61e8  R11: 0000000000000246  R12: ffffffff803245af
    R13: 000001014a1e0548  R14: 0000010046662580  R15: 000001009fd40700
    ORIG_RAX: ffffffffffffffff  CS: 0010  SS: 0018
#7 [1014d819eb0] sysfs_readdir at ffffffff801b355c
#8 [1014d819f00] vfs_readdir at ffffffff8018aef7
#9 [1014d819f30] sys_getdents64 at ffffffff8018b2e8
#10 [1014d819f50] sys_fcntl at ffffffff8018a675
#11 [1014d819f80] system_call at ffffffff8011026a
    RIP: 0000003f6d68be3e  RSP: 0000000041b6a7b0  RFLAGS: 00010283
    RAX: 00000000000000d9  RBX: ffffffff8011026a  RCX: 0000000000000000
    RDX: 0000000000001000  RSI: 0000002b23ab3188  RDI: 000000000000000f
    RBP: 0000002b1f3b4360   R8: 0000002b1d7efd28   R9: 0000002b1d7efcf0
    R10: 0000002a95da61e8  R11: 0000000000000246  R12: 0000002b1dfeccc0
    R13: 0000000041b6a760  R14: 0000002b23ab3150  R15: 0000000000000001
    ORIG_RAX: 00000000000000d9  CS: 0033  SS: 002b

Source code of failing routine

static int sysfs_readdir(struct file * filp, void * dirent, filldir_t filldir)
        struct dentry *dentry = filp->f_dentry;
        struct sysfs_dirent * parent_sd = dentry->d_fsdata;
        struct sysfs_dirent *cursor = filp->private_data;
        struct list_head *p, *q = &cursor->s_sibling;
        ino_t ino;
        int i = filp->f_pos;

        switch (i) {
                case 0:
                        ino = dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
                        if (filldir(dirent, ".", 1, i, ino, DT_DIR) < 0)
                        /* fallthrough */
                case 1:
                        ino = parent_ino(dentry);
                        if (filldir(dirent, "..", 2, i, ino, DT_DIR) < 0)
                        /* fallthrough */
                        if (filp->f_pos == 2) {
                                list_add(q, &parent_sd->s_children);
                        for (p=q->next; p!= &parent_sd->s_children; p=p->next) {
                                struct sysfs_dirent *next;
                                const char * name;
                                int len;
                                next = list_entry(p, struct sysfs_dirent,
                                if (!next->s_element)

                                name = sysfs_get_name(next);
                                len = strlen(name);
                                if (next->s_dentry)
                                        ino = next->s_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
                                        ino = iunique(sysfs_sb, 2);
                                if (filldir(dirent, name, len, filp->f_pos, ino,
                                                 dt_type(next)) < 0)
                                        return 0;
                                list_add(q, p);
                                p = q;
        return 0;

Here's the portion of disassembled code:

0xffffffff801b3538 : lea    0x18(%r15),%rax
0xffffffff801b353c : cmp    %rax,%rbx
0xffffffff801b353f : je     0xffffffff801b35f9 
0xffffffff801b3545 : lea    0xfffffffffffffff8(%rbx),%rbp
0xffffffff801b3549 : cmpq   $0x0,0x28(%rbp)
0xffffffff801b354e : je     0xffffffff801b35f1 
0xffffffff801b3554 : mov    %rbp,%rdi
0xffffffff801b3557 : callq  0xffffffff801b210a 
0xffffffff801b355c : cld
0xffffffff801b355d : mov    %rax,%r12
0xffffffff801b3560 : or     $0xffffffffffffffff,%rcx
0xffffffff801b3564 : xor    %eax,%eax
0xffffffff801b3566 : mov    %r12,%rdi
0xffffffff801b3569 : repnz scas %es:(%edi),%al
0xffffffff801b356b : not    %rcx
0xffffffff801b356e : dec    %ecx
0xffffffff801b3570 : mov    %ecx,0x4(%rsp)
0xffffffff801b3574 : mov    0x38(%rbp),%rax
0xffffffff801b3578 : test   %rax,%rax
0xffffffff801b357b : je     0xffffffff801b3587 
0xffffffff801b357d : mov    0x10(%rax),%rax
0xffffffff801b3581 : mov    0x30(%rax),%rax
0xffffffff801b3585 : jmp    0xffffffff801b3598 
0xffffffff801b3587 : mov    3021882(%rip),%rdi        # 0xffffffff804951
0xffffffff801b358e : mov    $0x2,%esi
0xffffffff801b3593 : callq  0xffffffff80191f99 

At +320 we can tell that 0x38+%rbp was stored into%rax
      Then we test is %rax is null
      A couple of instructions later we see a call to iunique.

      The source code shows us one call to iunique:

                                name = sysfs_get_name(next);
                                len = strlen(name);
                                if (next->s_dentry)
                                        ino = next->s_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
                                        ino = iunique(sysfs_sb, 2);

The 'if' test the next->s_dentry for true (not null). That matches
      the test at +324. So the 2 x mov's look like the instruction:

      ino = next->s_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;

      To verify if %rax is 0x38 off %rbp then that should mean that
      %rbp is next
      +0x38 is the s_dentry offset within the structure pointed to by next

      A few lines earlier in the source code we can see next defined:

      struct sysfs_dirent *next;

shows the structure of sysfs_direct. Hex 38 is decimal 56

      struct sysfs_dirent {
     [0] atomic_t s_count;
     [8] struct list_head s_sibling;
    [24] struct list_head s_children;
    [40] void *s_element;
    [48] int s_type;
    [52] umode_t s_mode;
    [56] struct dentry *s_dentry; <============

     So now we have the confirmation that the disassembled code is
          executing the source code we found.

Therefore, lets now display the structure pointed to by %rbp using
      the address we have in the stack for that register:

    crash> struct sysfs_dirent 1009fd406c0
   struct sysfs_dirent {
     s_count = {
      counter = 1
     s_sibling = {
       next = 0x1009fd40718,
       prev = 0x1014a1e0548
     s_children = {
       next = 0x1009fd406d8,
       prev = 0x1009fd406d8
     s_element = 0xffffffff80404a20,
     s_type = 4,
     s_mode = 33060,
     s_dentry = 0x0

   The s_dentry is null

Now the problem. The disassembled code shows:

   0xffffffff801b3574 : mov    0x38(%rbp)
   0xffffffff801b3578 : test   %rax,%rax
   0xffffffff801b357b : je     0xffffffff801b3587

      Well if the s_dentry is null, we should have taken the jump but
      we did not. This suggests that the sysfs_dentry had a valid entry
      when we started to execute this code and someone cleared it after.

So the problem is we have a dentry that has a nulled inode pointer but yet the
s_dentry pointer itself in the sysfs_dirent struct is now also zero which
is specifically tested in the code to ensure this cannot happen. This therefore
suggests someone else touched the structure while we accessing it.

Comment 6 Anton Arapov 2007-12-21 17:32:31 UTC
A patch for this issue has been included in build 2.6.18-53.1.5.el5.

Comment 10 errata-xmlrpc 2008-01-23 15:07:12 UTC
An advisory has been issued which should help the problem
described in this bug report. This report is therefore being
closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For more information
on the solution and/or where to find the updated files,
please follow the link below. You may reopen this bug report
if the solution does not work for you.


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