Description of problem: More details at I guess you can pass it on upstream
I've taken a look at it. If there's some code that I can use to actually generate a courgette diff that I could compare with a diff generated using deltarpm, it would help a lot.
is there any progress with it?
No one has pointed me to any actual code to generate courgette diffs. Setting needinfo as there's not much I can do with this until I actually see some code.
now i do a little bit more investigation: - even though there is a bsdiff package in fedora it's different ie. the chromium rewrite it and a small diff is not enough. - the courgette is coupled with chromium so it seems not to be easy to create a separate lib or executable:-( but i'll try to look into it..
but if we add spot's chromium to fedora then everything can be easier:-)
Thanks for finding the link for me. I've taken a quick look at the code and it looks interesting. A couple of comments: 1) As you've pointed out, the code is closely linked to chromium, so I'm not sure how easy it's going to be to split it out, even for testing. And using spot's chromium won't necessarily help, as it doesn't look like the code is split into a separate library. 2) Looking at the changelog entry at, it looks like courgette only works with Windows binaries at the moment. Having said all that, there are a number of ideas that we may be able to implement (I'm particularly interested in their method of splitting the instruction block into separate streams for higher compression ratios). And, assuming courgette soon gets the ability to work with Linux binaries and assuming that we can decouple it from Chromium, it will be very interesting to work with it.
i send many hours to be able to create a separate lib and binary from the source but seem to too difficult. now i try the other way ie. try to push chromium into fedora and the create a courgette subpackage of it. which can be used by deltarpm (ie deltarpm depend on courgette). in this case the only remaining issues: - integrate it into daltarpm and you can already start to work on it:-) - wait (i already ask how much) for the available linux port - wait for the chromium package in fedora. i hope these won't take too long.