Spec URL: http://ke4qqq.fedorapeople.org/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer.spec SRPM URL: http://ke4qqq.fedorapeople.org/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer-0.9.1-1.fc12.src.rpm Description: Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer was born as a porting of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Perl module to PHP. It allows writing of Excel spreadsheets without the need for COM objects. It supports formulas, images (BMP) and all kinds of formatting for text and cells. It currently supports the BIFF5 format (Excel 5.0), so functionality appeared in the latest Excel versions is not yet available. rpmlint output: [ke4qqq@nalleyx60 SPECS]$ rpmlint ../RPMS/noarch/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer-0.9.1-1.fc12.noarch.rpm php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer.noarch: W: no-documentation 1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 1 warnings. [ke4qqq@nalleyx60 SPECS]$ rpmlint ../SRPMS/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer-0.9.1-1.fc12.src.rpm 1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings. [ke4qqq@nalleyx60 SPECS]$ rpmlint php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer.spec 0 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings. (No documentation is bundled with source)
It seems to be an auto-generated spec : > # Expand this as needed to avoid owning dirs owned by our dependencies > # and to avoid unowned dirs So you MUST own all the dir you create (as explicit writen in the Guidelines and in this comment) and you should, then, remove this comment. > Requires: php-(OLE) This is a bug, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=536756 But I don't think php-pear-OLE is available in Fedora. So you must submit it for review first and set the it as a blocker for this one.
(In reply to comment #1) > It seems to be an auto-generated spec : Indeed it is. > > > # Expand this as needed to avoid owning dirs owned by our dependencies > > # and to avoid unowned dirs > > So you MUST own all the dir you create (as explicit writen in the Guidelines > and in this comment) and you should, then, remove this comment. ouch, thanks for catching that. > > Requires: php-(OLE) > > This is a bug, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=536756 > > But I don't think php-pear-OLE is available in Fedora. So you must submit it > for review first and set the it as a blocker for this one. So it is. I have a spec file I am building. I'll submit it hopefully tonight and mark it as blocking this review. Thanks for the review Remi.
Bah - forgot links to updated SPEC and SRPM SPEC: http://ke4qqq.fedorapeople.org/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer.spec SRPM: http://ke4qqq.fedorapeople.org/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer-0.9.1-2.fc12.src.rpm
Adding php-pear-OLE as a blocker
Please, fix < Requires: php-pear-(OLE) > Requires: php-pear(OLE) %clean section is mandatory Please update to latest version 0.9.2 (great, this package seems back to life) as it fixes a number of bugs, especially php 5.3 compatibility. package.xml in 0.9.1 is an old V1 one, in 0.9.2 is a new V2
thanks for catching the %clean problem. I have updated spec/srpm to fix above problems and update to 0.9.2 SPEC: http://ke4qqq.fedorapeople.org/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer.spec SRPM: http://ke4qqq.fedorapeople.org/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer-0.9.2-1.fc12.src.rpm
REVIEW: + rpmlint is ok php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer.src: I: checking php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer.noarch: I: checking php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer.noarch: W: no-documentation 2 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 1 warnings. + package name ok + spec file name ok + package meet the PHP Guidelines + License ok : LGPLv2+ + License is upstream (LGPL) + spec in english and legible + no license file in sources is provided + sources match the upstream sources 15691145ca8ac71ccd501a38892ee64a Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.2.tgz + Source URL ok + build on F12.x86_64 + BuildRequires (php-pear >= 1:1.4.9-1.2) ok + no locale + no .so + own all directories that it creates + no duplicate file + %defattr ok + %clean section + use macros consistently + contain code + no documentation + no devel + no pkgconfig + no sub-package + no GUI + don't own files or directories already owned by other packages + %install start with rm -rf + valid UTF-8 + build in koji + no test suite + scriptlets ok - Final Requires php >= 4.1.0 php-pear(OLE) >= 0.5 /usr/bin/pear + Final Provides ok php-pear(Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer) = 0.9.2 php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer = 0.9.2-1.fc8 + Koji scratch build http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=1870628 All is ok, except the dependency on httpd... Just remove the php 4.1.0 (as for previous #542500, just requires php-common when version check is necessary).
SPEC: http://ke4qqq.fedorapeople.org/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer.spec SRPM: http://ke4qqq.fedorapeople.org/php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer-0.9.2-2.fc12.src.rpm Remi: Thanks for the review. I corrected the requires.
All is ok now. ***** APPROVED *****
New Package CVS Request ======================= Package Name: php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer Short Description: Package for generating excel spreadsheets Owners: ke4qqq Branches: F-11 F-12 EL-5 InitialCC: Thanks Remi!!
cvs done.
Closing this ticket as this has been pushed to stable