Bug 605641 (CVE-2010-2225, MOPS-2010-061) - CVE-2010-2225 php: SplObjectStorage unserialization flaws (MOPS-2010-061)
Summary: CVE-2010-2225 php: SplObjectStorage unserialization flaws (MOPS-2010-061)
Alias: CVE-2010-2225, MOPS-2010-061
Product: Security Response
Classification: Other
Component: vulnerability
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Red Hat Product Security
QA Contact:
Depends On: 605644 605645 609180 1093026
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2010-06-18 13:09 UTC by Josh Bressers
Modified: 2021-02-24 22:56 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
: 1093026 (view as bug list)
Last Closed: 2012-06-15 18:27:47 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Josh Bressers 2010-06-18 13:09:39 UTC
A vulnerability was found in the SplObjectStorage unserializer.  If the PHP
unserialize() function is used by a script on untrusted data provided by a
remote attacker the attacker may be able to force an information leak or
remote execution of code on the server.

This was reported by Stefan Esser at the SyScan'10 Conference in Singapore.

Comment 2 Josh Bressers 2010-06-18 13:11:23 UTC
Created php tracking bugs for this issue

Affects: fedora-all [bug 605645]

Comment 3 Mark J. Cox 2010-06-18 14:49:18 UTC
Based on the information we have on this issue so far, it does not affect the versions of php as supplied with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 4, or 5.

Comment 4 Eugene Teo (Security Response) 2010-06-28 00:05:34 UTC
Stefan released an advisory for this vulnerability: http://php-security.org/2010/06/25/mops-2010-061-php-splobjectstorage-deserialization-use-after-free-vulnerability/

Comment 6 Vincent Danen 2010-06-30 18:19:12 UTC
Upstream committed the following fix for this issue:


Comment 7 Tomas Hoger 2010-07-12 15:44:27 UTC
Blog post with additional information:


Comment 8 Tomas Hoger 2010-07-23 10:06:22 UTC
Fixed upstream in 5.3.3:

Comment 9 Tomas Hoger 2010-07-23 10:08:41 UTC

Not vulnerable. This issue did not affect the versions of php as shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 4, or 5.

Comment 10 Mike A. Harris 2012-06-11 21:53:19 UTC
Looks like it's safe to close this bug as "RESOLVED" or "NOTABUG" or somesuch.

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