Note to reviewer: This package provides a copy of Fedora's python-virtualenv package built against Python 2.6 so it works on el5. el6 and Fedora will remain unaffected since they can use existing packages. Spec URL: SRPM URL: Scratch: Description: virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. virtualenv is a successor to workingenv, and an extension of virtual-python. It is written by Ian Bicking, and sponsored by the Open Planning Project. It is licensed under an MIT-style permissive license.
- Package meets naming and packaging guidelines Yes python26-virtualenv, source bundle called virtualenv. - Spec file matches base package name. Yes - Spec has consistant macro usage. NO $RPM_BUILD_ROOT vs %{buildroot} - Meets Packaging Guidelines. YES. - License MIT. - License field in spec matches It does - License file included in package YES docs/license.txt - Spec in American English YES , indeed it is. - Spec is legible. Yes it is. - Sources match upstream md5sum: $ md5sum virtualenv-1.5.1.tar.gz ../SOURCES/virtualenv-1.5.1.tar.gz 3daa1f449d5d2ee03099484cecb1c2b7 virtualenv-1.5.1.tar.gz 3daa1f449d5d2ee03099484cecb1c2b7 ../SOURCES/virtualenv-1.5.1.tar.gz - Package needs ExcludeArch YES builds in koji. - BuildRequires correct YES - Spec handles locales/find_lang NONE - Package is relocatable and has a reason to be. NONE - Package has %defattr and permissions on files is good. YES - Package has a correct %clean section. YES - Package has correct buildroo %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) - Package is code or permissible content. - Doc subpackage needed/used. Not needd - Packages %doc files don't affect runtime. Fine - Headers/static libs in -devel subpackage. No devel. - Spec has needed ldconfig in post and postun None - .pc files in -devel subpackage/requires pkgconfig None - .so files in -devel subpackage. None - -devel package Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} None - .la files are removed. - Package is a GUI app and has a .desktop file None - Package compiles and builds on at least one arch. Koji - Package has no duplicate files in %files. None - Package doesn't own any directories other packages own. No. - Package owns all the directories it creates. rpmlint: $ rpmlint python26-virtualenv.spec /var/lib/mock/epel-5-x86_64/result/python26-virtualenv-1.5.1-2.el5.* sh: /usr/bin/python2.6: No such file or directory python26-virtualenv.noarch: E: devel-dependency python26-devel python26-virtualenv.noarch: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US workingenv -> workingmen, workingwomen, workingman python26-virtualenv.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary virtualenv-2.6 python26-virtualenv.src: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US workingenv -> workingmen, workingwomen, workingman sh: /usr/bin/python2.6: No such file or directory 2 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 1 errors, 3 warnings. Problems: 1) $RPM_BUILD_ROOT and %{buildroot} present. 2) I find all the sh: /usr/bin/python2.6: No such file or directory given the .spec file is fairly hardcoded to python2.6 just hardcode the line containing this.
Thank you for the review Steve. > Problems: > 1) $RPM_BUILD_ROOT and %{buildroot} present. Fixed. > 2) I find all the > sh: /usr/bin/python2.6: No such file or directory > > given the .spec file is fairly hardcoded to python2.6 just hardcode the line > containing this. Fixed. SPEC: SRPM: Scratch:
Looks good. APPROVED
New Package SCM Request ======================= Package Name: python26-virtualenv Short Description: Tool to create isolated Python environments Owners: mmckinst Branches: el5
Git done (by process-git-requests).
Package python26-virtualenv-1.5.1-2.el5: * should fix your issue, * was pushed to the Fedora EPEL 5 updates-testing repository, * should be available at your local mirror within two days. Update it with: # su -c 'yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing python26-virtualenv-1.5.1-2.el5' as soon as you are able to, then reboot. Please go to the following url: then log in and leave karma (feedback).
python26-virtualenv-1.5.1-2.el5 has been pushed to the Fedora EPEL 5 testing repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report. If you want to test the update, you can install it with su -c 'yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update python26-virtualenv'. You can provide feedback for this update here:
python26-virtualenv-1.5.1-3.el5 has been submitted as an update for Fedora EPEL 5.
python26-virtualenv-1.5.1-3.el5 has been pushed to the Fedora EPEL 5 stable repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.