Bug 901551 - Anaconda Screens are larger than VM 800x600
Summary: Anaconda Screens are larger than VM 800x600
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: anaconda
Version: 18
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Anaconda Maintenance Team
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2013-01-18 13:44 UTC by Wayne Carruthers
Modified: 2013-05-11 01:59 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

Fixed In Version: anaconda-19.2-1
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2013-05-11 01:59:08 UTC
Type: Bug

Attachments (Terms of Use)
screenshot showing misaligned Manual Partitioning window with 800x600 screen (Live) (57.97 KB, image/png)
2013-01-18 15:17 UTC, Steve Tyler
no flags Details
screenshot showing misaligned Configuration window with 800x600 screen (Live) (357.13 KB, image/png)
2013-01-19 03:48 UTC, Steve Tyler
no flags Details
screenshot of Installation Source at 640x480 (DVD) (34.55 KB, image/png)
2013-01-19 16:13 UTC, Steve Tyler
no flags Details
screenshot of Network Configuration at 640x480 (DVD) (31.42 KB, image/png)
2013-01-19 16:14 UTC, Steve Tyler
no flags Details
screenshot of Software Selection at 640x480 (DVD) (39.02 KB, image/png)
2013-01-19 16:15 UTC, Steve Tyler
no flags Details
screenshot of Reclaim Disk Space at 640x480 (DVD) (24.26 KB, image/png)
2013-01-19 16:15 UTC, Steve Tyler
no flags Details
screenshot of Manual Partitioning at 640x480 (DVD) (38.27 KB, image/png)
2013-01-19 16:17 UTC, Steve Tyler
no flags Details
screenshot of Configuration during software installation at 800x600 (Live) (352.20 KB, image/png)
2013-01-20 20:45 UTC, Steve Tyler
no flags Details

Description Wayne Carruthers 2013-01-18 13:44:06 UTC
Description of problem:

When installing to a VM and selecting custom on disks the screens do not fit the 800x600 VM window there are needed fields off screen to the right

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Every time

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install to a VMWare VM
Actual results:

Expected results:

Additional info:

Overall the dumbing down of anaconda is appalling it is very unclear how to customise applications for install which wastes time and gives a less than optimised desktop

Lack of direct Mate/Cinammon install options very poor and wastes time having to
install the ghastly inefficient Gnome 3

All up so far 1/10 and it is not installed yet

THe old "wizard" anaconda may not have been ideal but is better than the new one

Comment 1 Steve Tyler 2013-01-18 15:17:34 UTC
Created attachment 682471 [details]
screenshot showing misaligned Manual Partitioning window with 800x600 screen (Live)

Reproduced by changing the display resolution to 800x600 from the Live image in a VM.

Create an empty disk image:
$ qemu-img create f18-test-3.img 12G

Start the Live image in a VM:
$ qemu-kvm -m 2048 -hda f18-test-3.img -cdrom ~/xfr/fedora/F18/F18-Final/Final/Fedora-18-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso -vga qxl -boot menu=on -usbdevice mouse

Proceed to System Settings:Displays.

Resolution 800 x 600 (4:3)
Click Apply.
Click Keep This Configuration.
Click close button to close System Settings.

Start installer.
Click Continue.
Click Installation Destination.
Click Continue.
Check "Let me customize ..."
Click Continue.

Actual Results:
Manual Partitioning window is not aligned with display.

Expected Results:
Manual Partitioning window is aligned with display.

Comment 2 Steve Tyler 2013-01-18 15:29:15 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> Lack of direct Mate/Cinammon install options very poor and wastes time
> having to
> install the ghastly inefficient Gnome 3

MATE and Cinnamon can be installed from the net install CD:

Fedora 18 Network Install CD

Comment 3 Chris Lumens 2013-01-18 15:50:42 UTC
I am most interested in why you are installing in 800x600 by default.  Is that the maximum resolution your hardware supports, or did X just pick this for you?  If the latter, please attach /tmp/X.log to this bug report.

I know everyone likes to pretend that we've dumbed anaconda way down, but we really haven't.  I can only think of one or two things you can't do in the new UI.  And no, the old one wasn't actually better.  If you can't install your desired desktop, it's either because of the comps or because of the media you chose to install from.  anaconda's not responsible for that.

Comment 4 Harald Reindl 2013-01-19 01:02:17 UTC
why 800x600?

becasue the text-only install was borkend in fedora and if you install a virtual machine on your desktop with 1024x768 you may select a smaller resolution

why is the top hobby of fedora developers in the last few years to propose features which are far away from useable for releases instead develop their replacements and come out with a feature proposal to a time where they AT MINIMUM can do what they replaced sofwtare did over years?

currently open source devleopment follows this scheme:
* we rewrite something
* we do not care about compatibility in any way
* we do not care about the features wof what we replace
* we push out half baken pre-alpha software
* we tell people that this all is the next big thing
* from this moment on we start to re-integrate what was already there
* after that we explain the world how we improved things
* but we do not tell the world taht the improvements are regression fixes
* why they are regression fixes only? because most worked years ago

stop the bullshit to replace wokring software with pre-aplha crap and start doing replaces AFTER your replaces are in a state the can replace anything

if i personally replace parts of my code NOBODY is enforced to use the new code until AT LEAST it supports exactly the same at the previous one and not before any interfaces are supporting the same - mens: codebase-cleanup, intregrate all the previous existing features AND THEN add new features to the new codebase

after that you have software with a real benefit for the enduser
what fedora does is spit in the faces of users which learend to work with their systems by replacing permanently things with half baken crap

Comment 5 Stefan Jensen 2013-01-19 01:50:07 UTC
There are a lot of device out there with real small 16:9 resolutions, for instance a lot of EeePC like devices comes with a maximum of 1024x600 (and Fedora runs very good on that devices).

Anaconda should be able to deal with small screens and even with 800x600 be able to display a usable install screen, with all elements visible. I think of it, like it is more a design question, rather than a real technical problem.

For instance: A average user will not be able to install Fedora on his EeePC, simply because the Button to enter the next Screen is beyond the screen boundaries. Imho, that is not a good design.

Just my 2 cents on this.

Comment 6 Wayne Carruthers 2013-01-19 03:07:33 UTC
Firstly it was the full Fedora18 DVD I was using not the live image

Secondly when creating a new VM in VMWare Workstation or player the initial "DOS" screen is 800x600, the installer needs to be able to handle this and have all elements onscreen which it curently does not

The end result after I managed to enter partition sizes etc and it seemed to install was a non booting VM as it seems hidden off screen was the make it bootable yes/no 

The installer did alert me to the fact no root password was set (another off screen item ?) but did not alert re bootable problem

The bottom line is that if a VM cannot be quickly and efficiently set up and used to test a new version then there is no way it the version should go any where near a working system to upgrade it

Comment 7 Steve Tyler 2013-01-19 03:48:01 UTC
Created attachment 682881 [details]
screenshot showing misaligned Configuration window with 800x600 screen (Live)

This was captured with the Live image in a VM after setting the display resolution to 800x600 as in Comment 1:
$ qemu-kvm -m 2048 -hda f18-test-3.img  -cdrom ~/xfr/fedora/F18/F18-Final/Final/Fedora-18-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso -vga qxl -boot menu=on -usbdevice mouse

AFAIK, there is no way to get qemu-kvm to configure an 800x600 display, so I used the Live image instead of the DVD. If the attached screenshots do not look like what you are seeing, could you attach screenshots?

Comment 8 Wayne Carruthers 2013-01-19 03:57:58 UTC
Ah understood,

Your screenshot does show the warnings I missed before reboot, I was a little tired yesterday

Will do further installs to look more closely today

Comment 9 Steve Tyler 2013-01-19 05:43:39 UTC
The display resolution for the DVD installer can be set by appending "resolution=WxH" to the kernel command line, where W is the width in pixels, and H is the height in pixels.[1]

Select "Install Fedora" from the isolinux menu.
Press tab to display the kernel command line.
Append "resolution=800x600", for example.
Press enter to boot.

Tested with:
$ qemu-kvm -m 2048 -hda f18-test-3.img -cdrom ~/xfr/fedora/F18/F18-Final/Final/Fedora-18-x86_64-DVD.iso -vga qxl -boot menu=on -usbdevice mouse

[1] Fedora 18 Installation Guide
Chapter 11. Boot Options
11.1.2. Configuring the Interface

Comment 10 Wayne Carruthers 2013-01-19 06:36:02 UTC
Will give it a run

Did another install earlier and this time it set boot flag and booted
One other bug I encountered was once there is an existing partition layout in place it came up as a second item in custom formatting, there was no button for "use existing" as in previous installers and a loop on removing/recovering free space which did not actually do so

In the end I had to delete the VM hard disk and create a new one and believe me I spent considerable time trying to avoid doing so

Comment 11 Steve Tyler 2013-01-19 07:03:15 UTC
There is a Reformat checkbox under Customize in the Manual Partitioning dialog. Unfortunately, it is not visible at 800x600 with this bug. You can see it here:

BTW, as a partial workaround for this bug, pressing alt-f in Manual Partitioning has the same effect as clicking the Finish Partitioning button, even though that button is not visible.

Comment 12 Wayne Carruthers 2013-01-19 11:41:38 UTC
Did another install, used 1024x768 and most items seemed to be on screen

The custom destination screens though are a useless exercise in additional mouse clicks and windows

There is more than enough white space in the initial screen under the absurdly sized icon for the disk to have the complete configuration on one screen

I did not see any use existing option for existing partitions

In addition the need to move from mouse to keyboard to select mount points is frustrating, another regression from the old system esp considering the list is there but masked from mouse selection

Additional bugs found

Unable to use enter key to continue after selecting a language

when adding kernel commandline options DVD checking is then forced unless that option is removed from command line

Done button at top left is the most illogical place to place it, who looks to the top of a page to complete reading/configuring ?, there are other places where the continue etc is bottom left where it should be so anaconda is inconsistant between screens

All up the most unappealing, un intuitive install experience I have seen in many years which is a great pity as so many have worked so hard on it
Total lack of customization on software selection results in rubbish which is not needed in the base install and inceases time in then de installing unwanted items and adding components later along with the dependency problems generated

Comment 13 Steve Tyler 2013-01-19 16:06:06 UTC
Thanks for your followup report. If you see any incorrectly rendered dialogs at 1024x768, please attach a screenshot.

Comment 14 Steve Tyler 2013-01-19 16:13:44 UTC
Created attachment 683112 [details]
screenshot of Installation Source at 640x480 (DVD)

Comment 15 Steve Tyler 2013-01-19 16:14:20 UTC
Created attachment 683113 [details]
screenshot of Network Configuration at 640x480 (DVD)

Comment 16 Steve Tyler 2013-01-19 16:15:04 UTC
Created attachment 683114 [details]
screenshot of Software Selection at 640x480 (DVD)

Comment 17 Steve Tyler 2013-01-19 16:15:52 UTC
Created attachment 683115 [details]
screenshot of Reclaim Disk Space at 640x480 (DVD)

Comment 18 Steve Tyler 2013-01-19 16:17:06 UTC
Created attachment 683116 [details]
screenshot of Manual Partitioning at 640x480 (DVD)

Comment 19 Wayne Carruthers 2013-01-20 03:56:05 UTC
Steve thanks for posting the screen shots to demonstrate the problem

I took similar last night and retired to bed before posting them, they show the same as yours so I wont duplicate the posts

It sems to me we are collectively forgetting the basics

I did another test on the VM I installed to see if I could reconfigure Gnome to what I needed, the uninstall of games, redundant languages and apps collapsed gnome so it would only boot to command prompt. The total dumbing down of software selection is a complete disaster

This is regretably the 4th consecutive release of fedora which is unusable in the configuration we use, largely as a result of upstream gnome and their delusions

Some consideration of putting Fedora 14 on long term support seems to be needed
to retain some of the user base who need the Gnome 2x GUI

The only choice I have for deployment is to do a clean install with the net install CD so I will give that a run and see what it looks like

Comment 20 Chris Lumens 2013-01-20 16:03:30 UTC
The initial two screenshots indicate the failure mode when line wrap is set incorrectly.  It's a pretty odd way to fail, but at least it's identifiable.  I've corrected that and will be sending out a patch shortly.

We designed newui for 800x600, not 640x480.  The old anaconda UI was targeted for 800x600 as well, though we did provide a lowres option that did sometimes help.  We certainly did not try very hard to make sure it always worked, though.

Comment 21 Steve Tyler 2013-01-20 19:40:42 UTC
With the DVD at 800x600, the Configuration window is displayed correctly, in contrast to the Live image at 800x600 (Attachment 682881 [details]).

Comment 22 Steve Tyler 2013-01-20 20:45:14 UTC
Created attachment 683854 [details]
screenshot of Configuration during software installation at 800x600 (Live)

[PATCH 3/3] Enable line wrapping in a couple more places (#901551).

Those strings are not displayed during software installation from Live.

Comment 23 Wayne Carruthers 2013-01-21 12:03:06 UTC
Re vmware VM

To clarify, the VM starts in 640x480, fedora installer then takes it to 800x600 and as per the bug, fails to display all

Thanks for the patch on it

The good news is using the net install disk a good basic mate desktop can be achieved without too much redundant software removal but the lack of ability to fine tune what is isnstalled is still annoyong to say the least

The bad news is the custom disk format routines are able to take down existing OS's on a multiboot system. Be warned

Bug 902328 has been opened with it as it is a separate problem

Comment 24 Adam Williamson 2013-05-11 01:59:08 UTC
This was clearly fixed, so let's close it. Custom part displays fine at 800x600 in F19 Beta TC3. (It's broken in German and Japanese, but I've filed separate bugs for those).

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