Bug 1216191 - oo-admin-ctl-district command's district argument requirement is unnecessary
Summary: oo-admin-ctl-district command's district argument requirement is unnecessary
Alias: None
Product: OpenShift Online
Classification: Red Hat
Component: Pod
Version: 2.x
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: ---
Assignee: Andy Grimm
QA Contact: Jianwei Hou
: 1095934 (view as bug list)
Depends On:
Blocks: 1217587
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2015-04-28 17:33 UTC by Andy Grimm
Modified: 2016-11-08 03:48 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
: 1217587 (view as bug list)
Last Closed: 2015-07-07 23:49:39 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Andy Grimm 2015-04-28 17:33:43 UTC
Description of problem:

There are two issues with oo-admin-ctl-district requiring the district name for most subcommands:

1) It's valid to pass a comma-separated list of server identities to a subcommand, but unless all of the servers happen to be in the same district, there's not a valid district name which can be passed.

2) Looking up which district a given server belongs to is an awkward process for an administrator, but it's a single line of code in the script.  We should not make admins do this manually.

My upcoming PR will allow a district to be specified, but will search for it when it is omitted.

Comment 2 Sten Turpin 2015-04-28 17:58:01 UTC
*** Bug 1095934 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Comment 3 Andy Grimm 2015-04-28 18:24:06 UTC
stage PR https://github.com/openshift/origin-server/pull/6131

Comment 4 openshift-github-bot 2015-04-28 20:55:01 UTC
Commit pushed to master at https://github.com/openshift/origin-server

Bug 1216191 - oo-admin-ctl-district: look up district by server if not specified

Comment 5 Zhao Qiang 2015-05-19 04:04:53 UTC

1, I start 2 openshift virtual machine on Amazon cloud, Both of them with "AMI ID: devenv_5520 (ami-4a667822)"

2, I setup Multinode env with li/build/devenv/setup_multi_node scripts. Finally the multinode env works fine.
# oo-broker  oo-mco ping
ip-10-229-30-112                         time=143.75 ms
ip-10-229-20-81                          time=184.62 ms

3, I create region1
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-region -c create -r region1
Successfully created region: region1

 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:52:16 UTC,
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:52:16 UTC}

4, I create zone1
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-region -c add-zone -z zone1 -r region1

 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:52:16 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:52:16 UTC,
    "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:53:03 UTC,
    "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:53:03 UTC}]}

5, I create district d1
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c create -n d1
node_profile not specified.  Using default: small
/opt/rh/ruby193/root/usr/share/gems/gems/uuidtools-2.1.1/lib/uuidtools.rb:431: Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config.
Successfully created district: 913ae65cfdd011e48fa00242ac110005

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC}

6, I create district d2
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c create -n d2
node_profile not specified.  Using default: small
/opt/rh/ruby193/root/usr/share/gems/gems/uuidtools-2.1.1/lib/uuidtools.rb:431: Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config.
Successfully created district: 4ac011befdd211e4ba810242ac110012

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:53:56 UTC,
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:53:56 UTC}

7, I add node ip-10-229-20-81 to district d1
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c add-node -n d1 -i ip-10-229-20-81
Success for node 'ip-10-229-20-81'!

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,

8, I add node ip-10-229-30-112 to district d1
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c add-node -n d1 -i ip-10-229-30-112
Success for node 'ip-10-229-30-112'!

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,


1, I deactivate node ip-10-229-30-112 without district name
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c deactivate-node -i ip-10-229-30-112
Success for node 'ip-10-229-30-112'!

2, I remove node ip-10-229-30-112 without district name
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c remove-node -i ip-10-229-30-112
Success for node 'ip-10-229-30-112'!

Results for 2:
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c list-available -n d1
Nodes in profile: small

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,

3, I deactive node ip-10-229-20-81 without district name
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c deactivate-node -i ip-10-229-20-81 
Success for node 'ip-10-229-20-81'!

Results for 3:
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,

4, I active node ip-10-229-20-81 without district name
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c activate-node -i ip-10-229-20-81 
Success for node 'ip-10-229-20-81'!

Results for 4:
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,

5, I set node ip-10-229-30-112 region without district name.
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c set-region -i ip-10-229-30-112 -r region1 -z zone1
Success for node 'ip-10-229-30-112'!

Results for 5:
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:53:56 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:53:56 UTC,

6, I unset node region without district name.
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district -c unset-region -i ip-10-229-30-112 -r region1 -z zone1
Success for node 'ip-10-229-30-112'!

Results for 6:
# oo-broker oo-admin-ctl-district

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:41:36 UTC,

 "available_uids"=>"<6000 uids hidden>",
 "created_at"=>2015-05-19 02:53:56 UTC,
 "updated_at"=>2015-05-19 02:53:56 UTC,

Comment 6 Zhao Qiang 2015-05-19 04:49:06 UTC
Verified on OpenShift online

1, Create multinode env.
2, Create district;
3, Add node to this district;
4, Deactivate node without district name;
5, Activate node without district name;
6, Remove node without district name;
7, Set region without district name;
8, Unset region without district name;

4, Deactivate node successful;
5, Activate node successful;
6, Remove node successful;
7, Set region successful;
8, Unset region successful;

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