Bug 1667360 - [next_gen_installer]No version for openshift-controller-manager-operator when get clusteroperator
Summary: [next_gen_installer]No version for openshift-controller-manager-operator when...
Status: CLOSED DUPLICATE of bug 1679871
Alias: None
Product: OpenShift Container Platform
Classification: Red Hat
Component: Build
Version: 4.1.0
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: 4.1.0
Assignee: David Eads
QA Contact: wewang
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2019-01-18 09:14 UTC by wewang
Modified: 2019-03-12 14:26 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2019-02-22 05:42:17 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description wewang 2019-01-18 09:14:58 UTC
Description of problem:
No version for openshift-controller-manager-operator when get clusteroperator

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
./openshift-install v0.10.0
 payload: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:66cee7428ba0d3cb983bd2a437e576b2289e7fd5abafa70256200a5408b26644
version: 4.0.0-0.1

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1.$ oc get clusteroperator

openshift-cluster-samples-operator      4.0.0-alpha1-701a10fea       True        True          True      20h

openshift-controller-manager-operator                                True        False         False     8m
openshift-dns-operator                  0.0.1                        True        False         False     22h


Actual results:
No version for openshift-controller-manager-operator 

Expected results:
Should have version for openshift-controller-manager-operator 

Additional info:

Comment 1 wewang 2019-01-18 09:42:44 UTC
openshift-apiserver kube-apiserver have no version too

Comment 2 David Eads 2019-01-21 12:31:23 UTC
The version field as currently described is flawed.  It doesn't allow us to support upgrades.  We need https://github.com/openshift/api/pull/176 to allow something like https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YV_rJ6qR46_DV1s6RwobTYHX0CCE4CIBnt_VRPtN8Nw/edit#heading=h.j35cxjc8vibg to allow upgrades and payloads to mix and match.  This won't be changed until that pull merges and even then the actual readable version won't be present until the CVO gets updated.

Comment 3 David Eads 2019-02-20 21:02:59 UTC
The master team pieces
1. kube-apiserver
2. kube-controller-manager
3. openshift-apiserver

report versions.

The openshift-controller-manager is actually owned by bparees.  I suspect the Build component is the best fit.

Comment 4 wewang 2019-02-22 03:32:16 UTC
@ben I saw master team had version of clusteroperator like[1],but openshift-controller-manager clusteroperator doesn't have versions[2], could you help to check it?

$ oc describe clusteroperator kube-apiserver
Name:         kube-apiserver
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:  config.openshift.io/v1
Kind:         ClusterOperator
  Creation Timestamp:  2019-02-22T02:29:36Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    16235
  Self Link:           /apis/config.openshift.io/v1/clusteroperators/kube-apiserver
  UID:                 b265d684-3649-11e9-993e-02be42712cee
    Last Transition Time:  2019-02-22T02:45:45Z
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Failing
    Last Transition Time:  2019-02-22T02:45:54Z
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Progressing
    Last Transition Time:  2019-02-22T02:30:18Z
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Available
    Last Transition Time:  2019-02-22T02:29:36Z
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Upgradeable
  Extension:               <nil>
  Related Objects:
    Group:     operator.openshift.io
    Name:      cluster
    Resource:  kubeapiservers
    Name:      openshift-config
    Resource:  namespaces
    Name:      openshift-config-managed
    Resource:  namespaces
    Name:      openshift-kube-apiserver-operator
    Resource:  namespaces
    Name:      openshift-kube-apiserver
    Resource:  namespaces
  Versions:                                                   ####had versions
    Name:     operator
    Version:  0.0.0_version_cluster-kube-apiserver-operator
    Name:     kube-apiserver
    Version:  0.0.0_version_hypershift
Events:       <none>

[2]$ oc describe clusteroperator openshift-controller-manager
Name:         openshift-controller-manager
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:  config.openshift.io/v1
Kind:         ClusterOperator
  Creation Timestamp:  2019-02-22T02:39:05Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    12148
  Self Link:           /apis/config.openshift.io/v1/clusteroperators/openshift-controller-manager
  UID:                 0575c150-364b-11e9-94e8-0615dd2afa9e
    Last Transition Time:  2019-02-22T02:39:05Z
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Failing
    Last Transition Time:  2019-02-22T02:39:38Z
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Available
    Last Transition Time:  2019-02-22T02:41:25Z
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Progressing
  Extension:               <nil>
  Related Objects:
  Versions:  <nil>                                  ### no vesions
Events:      <none>

Comment 5 Ben Parees 2019-02-22 03:41:22 UTC
that's correct.  to my knowledge we are still waiting for a finalization of the versioning plan (last i heard there was going to be some revisiting of what david implemented for the control plane operators, and the payload bits of that implementation weren't in place anyway).  While the openshift apiserver has a version value, it's not a valid/meaningful one (0.0.0_version_cluster-kube-apiserver-operator)

that said, since the operators are owned by different teams, it would make sense to clone this bug, one for david and one for me, to ensure that we get real versions into both operators before we ship.

Comment 6 wewang 2019-02-22 05:42:17 UTC
Thanks ben quick response, I reported one(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1679871) for you, and let xxia report another one for david which is for master team.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 1679871 ***

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