Bug 2260416 - Link fails with symbol defined in discarded section
Summary: Link fails with symbol defined in discarded section
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: gcc
Version: 40
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jakub Jelinek
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Depends On:
Blocks: 2259594
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2024-01-26 00:38 UTC by Orion Poplawski
Modified: 2024-03-23 00:24 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

Fixed In Version: gcc-14.0.1-0.8.fc40
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2024-03-23 00:24:35 UTC
Type: ---

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
GNU Compiler Collection 113617 0 P1 NEW [14 Regression] Symbol ... referenced in section `.data.rel.ro.local' of ...: defined in discarded section ... since r14... 2024-01-26 13:56:36 UTC

Description Orion Poplawski 2024-01-26 00:38:18 UTC
As discovered by koschei - https://koschei.fedoraproject.org/package/vtk - the update to gcc 14.0.1-0.1 broke building vtk on x86_64.  The error is:

'_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvvESt5_BindIFPFvPvxxxEPN3vtk6detail3smp27vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternalIN12_GLOBAL__N_19CountUsesIxEELb0EEExxxEEE10_M_managerERSt9_Any_dataRKSH_St18_Manager_operation' referenced in section `.data.rel.ro.local' of CMakeFiles/FiltersCore.dir/vtkPolyDataPlaneClipper.cxx.o: defined in discarded section `.text._ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvvESt5_BindIFPFvPvxxxEPN3vtk6detail3smp27vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternalIN12_GLOBAL__N_19CountUsesIxEELb0EEExxxEEE10_M_managerERSt9_Any_dataRKSH_St18_Manager_operation[_ZN26vtkStaticCellLinksTemplateIxE18ThreadedBuildLinksExxP12vtkCellArray]' of CMakeFiles/FiltersCore.dir/vtkPolyDataPlaneClipper.cxx.o
`_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvvESt5_BindIFPFvPvxxxEPN3vtk6detail3smp27vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternalIN12_GLOBAL__N_111InsertLinksIxEELb0EEExxxEEE10_M_managerERSt9_Any_dataRKSH_St18_Manager_operation' referenced in section `.data.rel.ro.local' of CMakeFiles/FiltersCore.dir/vtkPolyDataPlaneClipper.cxx.o: defined in discarded section `.text._ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvvESt5_BindIFPFvPvxxxEPN3vtk6detail3smp27vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternalIN12_GLOBAL__N_111InsertLinksIxEELb0EEExxxEEE10_M_managerERSt9_Any_dataRKSH_St18_Manager_operation[_ZN26vtkStaticCellLinksTemplateIxE18ThreadedBuildLinksExxP12vtkCellArray]' of CMakeFiles/FiltersCore.dir/vtkPolyDataPlaneClipper.cxx.o

which seems to be related to LTO from what I can tell.

Reproducible: Always

Comment 1 Orion Poplawski 2024-01-26 00:46:08 UTC
Hmm, maybe not as LTO is already disabled:

# State Nov 11 2020, LTO causes
# TestXMLHyperTreeGridIO.cxx.o (symbol from plugin): undefined reference to symbol
# '_ZZNSt8__detail18__to_chars_10_implIjEEvPcjT_E8__digits@@LLVM_11'
%global _lto_cflags %{nil}

Comment 2 Aoife Moloney 2024-02-15 23:12:24 UTC
This bug appears to have been reported against 'rawhide' during the Fedora Linux 40 development cycle.
Changing version to 40.

Comment 3 Fedora Update System 2024-02-29 10:58:32 UTC
FEDORA-2024-04a26a52c4 (gcc-14.0.1-0.8.fc40) has been submitted as an update to Fedora 40.

Comment 4 Fedora Update System 2024-03-01 01:56:59 UTC
FEDORA-2024-04a26a52c4 has been pushed to the Fedora 40 testing repository.
Soon you'll be able to install the update with the following command:
`sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2024-04a26a52c4`
You can provide feedback for this update here: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2024-04a26a52c4

See also https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Updates_Testing for more information on how to test updates.

Comment 5 Fedora Update System 2024-03-23 00:24:35 UTC
FEDORA-2024-04a26a52c4 (gcc-14.0.1-0.8.fc40) has been pushed to the Fedora 40 stable repository.
If problem still persists, please make note of it in this bug report.

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