Bug 1557269 - [Tracker] RHCS 3.0z2 Release Notes
Summary: [Tracker] RHCS 3.0z2 Release Notes
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Ceph Storage
Classification: Red Hat Storage
Component: Documentation
Version: 3.0
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: rc
: 3.0
Assignee: Erin Donnelly
QA Contact: Tejas
Depends On: 1325322 1507629 1518730 1535474 1536795 1540845 1541424 1544720 1549004 1550026 1552094 1554544 1559749 1561415 1561438 1561456 1564084 1564117 1564214 1564232 1564444 1565134 1566016 1566082 1567030 1569413 1578142 1728710
Blocks: 1547999
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2018-03-16 11:01 UTC by Anjana Suparna Sriram
Modified: 2020-02-18 13:23 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2020-02-18 13:23:54 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Anjana Suparna Sriram 2018-03-16 11:01:44 UTC
This tracker bug is not a tracker just for known issues but for every change that should appear in the Release Notes - major updates, technical previews, deprecated functions, and so on.

If there is a change that does not have a separate bug (for example it is a change introduced in a rebase), add that rebase bug as a blocker and specify the nature of the change in the doc text field of that bug.

**How to let us know that a bug should be documented in the Release Notes**

1) Add the BZ number of the bug that needs to be documented to the "Depends On" field in the Release Notes tracker bug. Alternatively, add the tracker bug BZ number to the "Blocks" field in the bug that needs to be documented.

2) In the bug that needs to be documented, set the doctype to one of the following:

* bug fix - for notable bug fixes that have significant impact on customers

* enhancement - for new features and major enhancements, RFE bugs

* technology preview - for new features shipped as tech previews

* known issues - for the known issues found in this release

3) In the bug that needs to be documented, fill in the Doc Text field with the initial information. Use the template that is in the field.


**Candidates for inclusion**

* Bugs with a customer case attached

* Major new features and enhancements

* Bugs with significant impact on users

* Urgent or high priority bugs

* Fixed known issues


**How a good initial description looks like**

* Use the cause-consequence-fix-result (CCFR) format for bug fixes:

  Cause – what user action or circumstances trigger this bug 
  Consequence – what the user experiences when the bug occurs 
  Fix – what has been changed to fix the bug (overly technical details are not necessary)
  Result – what happens now with the fix applied

* Use the feature-reason-result (FFR) format for major updates:

    Feature – describes the enhancement from the user's point of view
    Reason – why was the enhancement implemented
    Result – what is the current user experience (may also be compared to the previous user experience)


**I want to document a change that does not have bug - how to do it?**

Add a comment here, we will add that description manually.

Comment 5 Giridhar Ramaraju 2019-08-05 13:10:26 UTC
Updating the QA Contact to a Hemant. Hemant will be rerouting them to the appropriate QE Associate. 


Comment 6 Giridhar Ramaraju 2019-08-05 13:11:29 UTC
Updating the QA Contact to a Hemant. Hemant will be rerouting them to the appropriate QE Associate. 


Comment 7 Giridhar Ramaraju 2019-08-20 07:17:21 UTC
Level setting the severity of this defect to "High" with a bulk update. Pls
refine it to a more closure value, as defined by the severity definition in

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