This bug is a master tracker bug for Fedora Core release notes activity, across all versions and test releases. The canonical page for the release notes process is:
Use this small URL for generating a blank bug report that has this master tracker blocking it. This bug report can be used as a pre-filled template to generate a release note that goes to relnotes.
Reassigning to master address, helps track everything so it doesn't get caught under my personal bug list.
The "canonical page" is a link that DNE. -benjamin
Yeah, MoinMoin fixed itself. New canonical for process is: It's less of a process and more of a way things are done. Does it work for you?
Removing as dependencies for tasks that are now dependencies of bz#210445.
Updating name, some details.
Sorry, was this tracker bug replaced with another one? At the least, it's a good idea to reference the replacement bug number in a comment here.
Yeah, that's a good idea. I created an F12 blocker (500474) before I saw this one.