Bug 1276941 (fedora-neuro, NeuroFedora) - Fedora NeuroImaging and NeuroScience tracking bug
Summary: Fedora NeuroImaging and NeuroScience tracking bug
Alias: fedora-neuro, NeuroFedora
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: distribution
Version: rawhide
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Ankur Sinha (FranciscoD)
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Depends On: 2254733 2283110 2283111 2302515 2307489 2310827 1150099 python-pynn 1150441 1236575 1273579 python-pydicom python-nibabel python-mne 1276910 nipy-data python-nipy vowpal-wabbit 1278293 octave-metch 1278673 python-pywt libminc minc-tools connectome-workbench 1279176 python-pyoptical gifticlib python-gradunwarp python-h5io 1279579 python-citeproc-py 1280480 python-PyLink python-PyMVPA python-pyriemann python-baker python-tabulate 1285054 python-pyxid 1285112 getdp xdffileio eegdev rtfilter 1286460 eegview dlib teem OpenIGTLink dcm2niix 1288739 nuitka 1288756 python-commit gco python-pygco python-pysegbase python-pacpy python-simplewrap python-interfile 1288836 python-pymc3 1288880 1288882 python-portalocker 1288893 python-pyactivetwo viennacl drawtk rubygem-nifti 1290922 1290995 1291008 debruijn python-pyspike 1291877 1292209 python-epac ctk liblsl 1310145 vrpn openvibe 1315871 1318873 1322993 1324960 python-pybids 1560495 python-pyphi libneurosim rudeconfig python-libNeuroML python-PyLEMS python-fslpy python-fsleyes-widgets python-duecredit libb64 python-nitime python-nilearn python-petlink python-fsleyes-props python-indexed_gzip python-progressbar2 python-fsleyes python-brian2 python-pyemd python-nineml python-dipy biosig4c++ python-pygiftiio python-pynwb python-xnat python-efel python-wxnatpy python-pymatreader python-elephant python-mne-bids python-chaospy python-missingno 1657410 1657533 neuron python-tvb-data python-tvb-gdist python-resumable-urlretrieve python-pyscaffold auryn 1672047 python-hdmf python-pyfim python-neurosynth 1721409 python-lfpy python-bluepyopt python-spikeextractors python-glymur MUSIC calcium-calculator python-pytest-sugar python-pingouin python-netpyne python-airspeed python-pyelectro python-SALib pydeps, python-pydeps 1751846 1757379 1757993 1758007 1758622 1758626 1759883 1760617 1761011 1761576 graph-tool 1769297 python-pandas-flavor jlems 1778325 python-cypy arbor 1795283 python-outdated python-littleutils python-numpoly python-sumatra 1821069 1821189 python-spyking-circus python-sciunit jneuroml-core 1836626 1839352 1842662 1846815 1849706 1851634 1871824 1871825 1879291 1882527 1886601 1886957 1891961 1900181 1900189 1902102 1902632 1910963 1913491 1913718 1926700 1930386 1931046 1931183 1931477 1935614 1941278 1941590 1945621 1946172 1947059 1948298 1948302 1949824 1949892 1950624 1950759 1950781 1950919 1950923 1951909 1958914 1959035 1961149 1973680 1973934 1976640 1980562 2000598 2001232 2001678 2001684 2002848 2003169 2003287 2003374 2005122 2005132 2005667 2007997 2008153 2009827 2010053 2010718 2012861 2012917 2016693 2016779 2016786 2017610 2017716 2018238 2018705 2019686 2020886 2021429 2024924 2026389 2029963 2030038 2031381 2031721 2034723 2036519 2039531 2041270 2042342 2050281 2056447 2061077 2063355 2065923 2072432 2073824 2073825 2077429 2107901 2107915 2109250 2110001 2121114 2122170 2130025 2130026 2130030 2133438 2133439 2136778 2138899 2139208 2140076 2140295 2144033 2144838 2144848 2150221 2151994 2160496 2160539 2161337 2165669 2173665 2175182 2178190 2180396 2191661 2192109 2196859 2203862 2209193 2213973 2219161 2221739 2235132 2239811 2241171 2241628 2241911 2242026 2243830 2244809 2246777 2246778 2249519 2249863 2250532 2250700 2252229 2255783 2255786 2255788 2256960 2256974 2256975 2257076 2257170 2257285 2257483 2257524 2257526 2257548 2257677 2257687 2257914 2257916 2257921 2257923 2259238 2259247 2259251 2259273 2259293 2259298 2259302 2260782 2260856 2260891 2261110 2262422 2264069 2265851 2265904 2268677 2268679 2268680 2268682 2270968 2274394 2274514 2274557 2282496 2282778 2283197 2283539 2283540 2283541 2284460 2295768 2296300 2297664 2297665 2297958 2299127 2299129 2300832 2301577 2303543 2304063 2304089 2305184 2307475 2307614
Blocks: 1301529
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2015-11-01 15:14 UTC by Igor Gnatenko
Modified: 2024-09-09 11:31 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed:
Type: Bug

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Igor Gnatenko 2015-11-01 15:14:36 UTC
This is the central tracking bug for all fedora-neuro related reviews and bugs.

For more info on Fedora NeuroImaging and NeuroScience see 

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